- productInformation
- productInformation. selectedProducts. payments. cardPresentConnect. subscriptionInformation. enabled
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paymentInformation. tokenizedCard. assuranceMethod
Confidence level of the provided token.
This value is provided by the token service provider.
Possible values:
- 00: No issuer identity and verification (ID&V).
- 10: Card issuer account verification.
- 11: Card issuer interactive, single-factor cardholder authentication.
- 12: Card issuer interactive, two-factor cardholder authentication.
- 13: Card issuer risk-oriented, non-interactive cardholder authentication.
- 14: Card issuer asserted authentication.
This field is available only for processing Apple Pay, Authorizations with Payment Network
Tokens, Google Pay, PIN Debit Processing, and Samsung Pay transactions.
This field replaced the
- Data Type:Integer
- Length:2
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:paymentInformation.tokenizedCard.assuranceMethod
- SCMP API Field:payment_network_token_assurance_method
- Simple Order API Field:paymentNetworkToken_assuranceMethod