productInformation. selectedProducts. payments. cardProcessing. configurationInformation. configurations. common. processors.[processorName]. industryCode

Field that is used to identify the industry type of the merchant submitting the authorization request.
This field is available for these processors:
Elavon Americas
TSYS Acquiring Solutions

Possible Values

  • 0
    : Unknown or unsure
  • A
    : Auto rental (EMV supported)
  • B
    : Bank/financial institution (EMV supported)
  • D
    : Direct marketing
  • F
    : Food/restaurant (EMV supported)
  • G
    : Grocery store/super market (EMV supported)
  • H
    : Hotel (EMV supported)
  • L
    : Limited amount terminal (EMV supported)
  • O
    : Oil company/automated fueling system (EMV supported)
  • P
    : Passenger transport (EMV supported)
  • R
    : Retail (EMV supported)


{ "productInformation": { "selectedProducts": { "payments": { "cardProcessing": { "configurationInformation": { "configurations": { "common": { "processors": [ "<processor>": { "industryCode": "0" } ] } } } } } } } }
  • <processor>
    : The processor that is associated with the merchant account.


  • Data Type:

Mapping Information

Boarding Registration Service API Field:
productInformation.selectedProducts.payments.cardProcessing.configurationInformation. configurations.common.processors.[processorName].industryCode
Product Enablement and Configuration Service API Field:
payments.cardProcessing.configurationInformation.configurations.common. processors.[processorName].industryCode