- productInformation
- productInformation. selectedProducts. payments. cardPresentConnect. subscriptionInformation. enabled
On This Page
merchantInformation. merchantDomainName
URL or reverse domain name for your business.
This field is available only for Mastercard digital secure remote payment (DSRP)
transactions on the
FDC Compass
and Visa Platform Connect
processors.- Visa Platform Connect
- With Mastercard, the value of this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:
- Record: CP12 TCR3
- Position: 5–168
- Field: Acceptor Street Address
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:127
- Special Symbols Allowed:
- Forward slash (/)
- Colon(:)
- Period (.)
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:merchantInformation.merchantDomainName
- SCMP API Field:merchant_domain_name
- Simple Order API Field:merchantDomainName