merchantInformation. merchantDescriptor. country

Country code for your business location.
Use the two-character ISO country code. .
When you do not include this value in your request,
uses the merchant country from your account.
This value must consist of English characters.
This value might be displayed on the cardholder’s statement.
Your acquiring bank might ignore this value. Contact your acquiring bank for more information about overriding your default merchant descriptor.
If your business is located in the US or Canada, and you include this field in a request, you must also include the
This field is required for a
original credit transaction (OCT) service request that specifies a deferred OCT processing date and time. See the
To support Visa Direct transactions in OCTs destined for issuers in Australia or Canada, you must include additional merchant address data in the authorization request:
  • Field 43—Card Acceptor Name/Location
  • Field 59—National Point-of-Service Geographical Data
  • Field 104, Usage 2—Transaction-Specific Data in TLV format; Dataset ID 56—Additional Acceptance Information; Tag 81—Acceptor Legal Business Name
To process Faster Refund OCTs in Asia Pacific and Europe, include these fields in the request:
  • Transaction Type
    • Record: Field 3
    • Positions: 1-2
  • Transaction Amount
    • Record: Field 4
  • Card Acceptor Name or Location
    • Record: Field 43
  • Transaction Identifier
    • Record: Field 62.2 (in bitmap format)
  • Message Reason Code
    • Record: Field 63.3
  • Acceptor Legal Business Name
    • Record: 104, Usage 2—Transaction-Specific Data (in TLV format)
    • Dataset ID: 56
    • Tag: 81
  • Business Application Identifier (BAI)
    • Record: 104, Usage 2—Transaction-Specific Data (in TLV format)
    • Dataset ID: 57
    • Tag: 01
  • Visa Merchant Identifier
    • Record: 126.5
For marketplace transactions, include this field and the
field in the transaction request. The marketplace is the merchant, and the retailer is the sub‑merchant. When the field values do not match, the transaction is identified as a foreign retail transaction to the acquirer and the merchant can verify them in the
Business Center
on the transactions details page.


  • Data Type:
  • Data Length:

Mapping Information

  • REST API Field:
  • SCMP API Fields:
    • merchant_descriptor_country
    • pa_merchant_country_code
  • Simple Order API Fields:
    • invoiceHeader_merchantDescriptorCountry
    • payerAuthEnrollService_merchantCountrycode