- productInformation
- productInformation. selectedProducts. payments. cardPresentConnect. subscriptionInformation. enabled
On This Page
For transaction processing, this field contains the processor
transaction identifier (TID) that isused to identify and track a transaction throughout its
For plans and subscriptions, the identifier is assigned by
identify the submitted plan or subscription request.Not all processors provide this value for transaction processing.
- American Express Direct
- American Express generates this value. To comply with the American Express Card Acceptance Processing Network (CAPN) requirements, this value must be included in all subsequent follow-on requests, such as captures and follow-on credits.When you perform authorizations, captures, and credits throughCybersource,Cybersourcepasses this value from the authorization service to the subsequent services for you. However, when you perform authorizations throughCybersourceand perform subsequent services through other financial institutions, you must ensure that requests for captures and credits include this value.
- Cielo
- This value is the non-sequential unit (NSU) and is returned for all transactions.Cieloor the issuing bank generates the value.
- Comercio Latino
- This value is the proof of sale or non-sequential unit (NSU) number. TheCieloacquirer,Redeacquirer, or issuing bank generates the value.
- Moneris
- This value identifies the transaction on a host system. You must store this value. If you give the customer a receipt, display this value on the receipt.The value contains the following information:
- Terminal used to process the transaction
- Shift during which the transaction took place
- Batch number
- Transaction number within the batch
Example:For the value66012345001069003:- Terminal ID = 66012345
- Shift number = 001
- Batch number = 069
- Transaction number = 003
- The value is generated for each card type:
- American Express: The payment card company generates this value. This value is saved and sent to the processor in all subsequent capture requests.
- Discover: The payment card company generates this value. This value is saved and sent to the processor in all subsequent requests for full authorization reversals and captures.
- Mastercard: The payment card company generates this value. This value is saved and sent to the processor in all subsequent requests for full authorization reversals and captures. Format:
- Positions 1-9: Mastercard Banknet reference number.
- Positions 10-13: Date.
- Positions 14-15: Spaces.
- Visa: The payment card company generates this value. This value is saved and sent to the processor in all subsequent requests for full authorization reversals and captures.
- Other Card Types: Not used.
- Visa Platform Connect
- The value is generated for each card type:
- American Express: American Express generates this value. It is included in all replies from the American Express Global Network (AEGN).
- Mastercard: This value is the qualification information for the Mastercard Interchange Compliance (MIC) program. It is used for all Mastercard responses coming from Mastercard Banknet through Visa to certified acquirers. Format:
- Positions 1–4: Date in MMDD format.
- Positions 5–7: Product code or financial network code. Mastercard can introduce new values for this subfield without advance notice.
- Positions 8–13: First six digits of Mastercard Banknet reference number.
- Positions 14–15: Spaces.
- Visa and other card types: The payment card company generates this value. It is unique for each original authorization and identifies a transaction throughout its life cycle.
The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:- Record: CP01 TCR7
- Position: 81-95
- Field: Gateway Transaction Identifier
- Data Type:String
- Data Length for Transaction Processing:26
- Data Length for Transaction Processing:
- 50Cielo:
- 22Elavon:
- 20Comercio Latino:
- 50Cybersource Latin American Processing:
- 18Moneris:
- All other processors:26
- Data Length for Plans and Subscriptions:26
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:id
- SCMP API Fields:
- auth_payment_network_transaction_id
- auth_processor_trans_id
- auth_request_id
- auth_reversal_processor_trans_id
- ecp_debit_request_id
- Simple Order API Fields:
- ccAuthReply_paymentNetworkTransactionID
- ccAuthReply_processorTransactionID
- ccAuthReversalReply_processorTransactionID
- ccAuthReversalService_authRequestID
- ccCaptureService_authRequestID
- ccCheckStatusService_authRequestID
- ccIncrementalAuthService_authRequestID
- ecDebitService_debitRequestID