consumerAuthenticationInformation. cavv

Cardholder authentication verification value (CAVV).
This value is a transaction identifier generated by the issuing bank during payer authentication.
This value must be 28-character Base64 or 40-character hex binary.
When you request the payer authentication and authorization services separately, get the value for this field from the
consumerAuthenticationInformation. cavv
response field.
Apple Pay and Samsung Pay Transactions
  • American Express: for a 20-byte cryptogram, set this field to the cryptogram for authorizations with payment network tokens. For a 40-byte cryptogram, set this field to block A of the cryptogram for authorizations with payment network tokens.
  • Discover: the value for this field can be a 20 or 40-character hex binary. All cryptograms use one of these formats.
  • Visa: the value for this field must be 28-character base 64 or 40-character hex binary. All cryptograms use one of these formats.
China UnionPay
This field and
field are required for authorizations for China UnionPay domestic debit cards.
FDC Nashville Global
For Visa Secure, this field is set to the value for the transaction identifier (XID) when the XID is present in the authorization request and the CAVV is not present.
Visa Platform Connect
The value for this field corresponds to this data in the TC 33 capture file:
  • Record: CP01 TCR8
  • Position: 77-78
  • Field: CAVV version and authentication action


  • Data Type:
  • Data Length (request):
  • Data Length (response):

Mapping Information

  • REST API Field:
  • SCMP API Fields:
    • cavv
    • pa_enroll_cavv
    • pa_validate_cavv
  • Simple Order API Fields:
    • ccAuthService_cavv
    • payerAuthEnrollReply_cavv
    • payerAuthValidateReply_cavv