productInformation. selectedProducts. payments. echeck. configurationInformation. configurations. underwriting. riskReserveMethod

The method for establishing a reserve balance.

Possible Values

  • fixed
    : For a Fixed Risk Reserve, the reserve balance is established by either:
    • A receipt of a lump sum deposit from a merchant.
    • Withholding funds at a reserve rate established for the account from each batch settlement until the reserve balance is equal to a set reserve target. A Fixed Reserve may also be established by a combination of lump sum deposit and withholding of settlement funds.
  • none
    (default): Most merchants do not have a reserve attached to their account so the default field value would be
  • rolling
    : Established by withholding from a merchant’s available settlement funds at a reserve rate and no reserve target is specified. Each amount withheld is retained for a specified number of reserve holding days and then released back to the merchant.


{ "productInformation": { "selectedProducts": { "payments": { "echeck": { "configurationInformation": { "configurations": { "underwriting": { "riskReserveMethod": "none" } } } } } } } }


  • Data Type:

Mapping Information

Boarding Registration Service API Field:
productInformation.selectedProducts.payments.echeck. configurationInformation.configurations.underwriting.riskReserveMethod
Product Enablement and Configuration Service API Field:
payments.echeck.configurationInformation.configurations. underwriting.riskReserveMethod