pointOfSaleInformation. operatingEnvironment

Operating environment.
This field is available only on the
American Express Direct
Visa Platform Connect
Possible values for Mastercard:
  • 2
    : On merchant premises, unattended, or customer terminal. Examples: oil, kiosk, self-checkout, home computer, mobile telephone, personal digital assistant.
    Visa Platform Connect
    Customer terminal is supported only for Mastercard transactions.
  • 4
    : Off merchant premises, unattended, or customer terminal. Examples: vending machine, mobile telephone, personal digital assistant.
    Visa Platform Connect
    Customer terminal is supported only for Mastercard transactions.
Possible values for all card types except Mastercard:
  • 0
    : No terminal used or unknown environment.
  • 1
    : On merchant premises, attended.
  • 2
    : On merchant premises, unattended. Examples: oil, kiosks, self-checkout, mobile telephone, personal digital assistant (PDA).
  • 3
    : Off merchant premises, attended. Examples: portable POS devices at trade shows, at service calls, or in taxis.
  • 4
    : Off merchant premises, unattended. Examples: vending machines, home computer, mobile telephone, PDA.
  • 5
    : On premises of customer, unattended.
  • 9
    : Unknown delivery mode.
  • S
    : Electronic delivery of product. Examples: music, software, or eTickets that are downloaded over the Internet.
  • T
    : Physical delivery of product. Examples: music or software that is delivered by mail or by a courier.


  • Data Type:
  • Data Length:

Mapping Information

  • REST API Field:
  • SCMP API Field:
  • Simple Order API Field: