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processingInformation. authorizationOptions.declineAvsFlags
User defined list of AVS codes that will cause system to decline a transaction.
When triggered, the AVS will return a
flag.Use a
to separate the values in the list.IMPORTANT
To receive declines for the AVS code
, include the value N
in the list.Cielo 3.0 and cybersource Latin American Processing AVS Codes
cybersource Latin American Processing refers to a specific processing connection and does not refer to any other
processors that support the Latin American region.
AVS Code | Description |
D | Postal code and address match (partial match). |
E | AVS not supported for this card type (not supported), or the acquirer returned an unrecognized value for the AVS response
(invalid). |
F | Postal code matches, but the CPF and address do not match (partial match). |
G | AVS not supported or verified (not supported). |
I | AVS information is not available (no match). |
K | CPF matches, but the postal code and address do not match (partial match). |
L | Postal code and CPF match, but the address does not match (partial match). |
N | Postal code, CPF, and address do not match (no match). |
O | CPF and address match, but the postal code does not match (partial match). |
R | Your implementation does not support AVS (not supported) or the system is unavailable. |
T | Address matches, but the CPF and postal coded do not match (partial match). |
V | Postal code, CPF and address matches (match). |
CPF (Cadestro de Pessoas Fisicas) is only required for Redecard in Brazil.
AVS Codes for All Other Processors
Amerian Express Cards
For American Express cards only, you can receive Visa and Cybersource AVS codes in addition to American Express AVS codes.
When using the
Visa Platform Connect
processor, American Express AVS codes are converted to VISA AVS codes before they are returned. As a
result, American Express AVS codes are not returned for American Express cards.American Express Card codes: F, H, K, L, O, T, V
Domestic and International Visa Cards
Returned AVS codes are the standard Visa AVS codes.
AVS is considered either domestic or international, depending on the location of the issuing bank. If the bank is located in the U.S., AVS is
domestic. If the bank is located outside of the U.S., AVS is international. You should be prepared to handle both domestic and international
AVS codes, as both types of codes can be returned whether or not the card is domestic or international.
International Visa Codes: B, C, D, G , I, M, P
Domestic Visa Codes: A, F, N, R, S, U, W, X, Y, Z
CodesIn addition to standard Visa codes,
provides the following numeric codes:Cybersource
codes: 1, 2, 3, 4AVS Code | Description |
A | Street address matches, but the postal code doesn't match (partial match) |
B | Street address matches, but the postal code is not verified. Only returned for Visa cards not issued in the U.S. (partial
match) |
C | Street address and postal code do not match. Returned only for Visa cards not issued in the U.S. (partial match) |
D | Street address and postal code match. (match) |
E | AVS data is invalid or the AVS is not allowed for this card type. (invalid) |
F | Card member name does not match, but billing postal code matches. (partial match) |
G | Issuing back outside of the U.S. does not support AVS. (not supported) |
H | Card member name does not match, but street address and postal code match. Only returned for American Express cards. |
I | Address not verified. (no match) |
K | Card member name matches, but billing address and postal code does not match. (partial match) |
L | Card member name and billing postal code match, but billing address does not match (partial match) |
M | Street address and postal code match. (match) |
N | One of the following: Street address does not match (American Express Cards only), card member name does not match, street address
does not match, postal code does not match. (no match) |
O | Card member name and billing address match, but billing postal code does not match. (partial match) |
P | Postal code matches, but street address not verified. (partial match) |
R | System unavailable. |
S | Issuing bank in the U.S. does not support AVS (not supported) |
T | Card member name does not match, but address matches. (partial match) |
U | Address information unavailable for one of these reasons: The U.S. bank does not support AVS outside of the US or the AVS system is
not functioning properly. (system unavailable) |
V | Card member name, billing address and billing postal code match. (match) |
W | Street address does not match, but the 9-digit postal code matches (partial match) |
X | Street address and the 9-digit postal code matches (match) |
Y | Street address and the 5-digit postal code matches (match) |
Z | Street address does not match, but the 5-digit postal code matches (partial match) |
1 | AVS is not supported for this processor and/or card type. Or AVS is disabled on your Cybersource account. (not
supported) |
2 | The processor returned an unrecognized value. (unrecognized) |
3 | Address is confirmed. Only returned for PayPal Express checkout. (match) |
4 | Address not confirmed. Only returned for PayPal Express checkout. (no match) |
5 | No AVS code returned (no match) |
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:15
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processingInformation.authorizationOptions.declineAvsFlags
- SCMP API Field:decline_avs_flags
- Simple Order API Field:businessRules_declineAVSFlags