The following fields provide processor information.
processorInformation. achVerification. resultCode
Results from the ACH verification service.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:2
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.achVerification.resultCode
- SCMP API Field:ecp_debit_verification_code
- Simple Order API Field:ecDebitReply_verificationCode
processorInformation. achVerification. resultCodeRaw
Raw results from the ACH verification service.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:2
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.achVerification.resultCoderaw
- SCMP API Fields:
- ecp_credit_verification_code_raw
- ecp_debit_verification_code_raw
- Simple Order API Fields:
- ecCreditReply_verificationCodeRaw
- ecDebitReply_verificationCodeRaw
processorInformation. amexVerbalAuthReferenceNumber
Referral response number for a verbal authorization.
Give this number to American Express when you call them for a verbal authorization.
This field is available only for the
FDMS Nashville
processor when using an American Express card.Specifications
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:6
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.amexVerbalAuthReferenceNumber
- SCMP API Field:auth_referral_response_number
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_referralResponseNumber
processorInformation. approvalCode
Approval code. The value of this field depends on service requested. See service-specific description below.
- Authorization and Incremental Authorization
- This field is returned only when the processor sends this value.
- Credit
- This field is returned only when the issuer returns this value and the credit is authorized.
- PIN debit
- Authorization code that is returned by the processor.
- ElavonEncrypted Account Number Program
- The returned value isOFFLINE.
- TSYS Acquiring Solutions
- The returned value for a successful zero amount authorization is000000.
- Type:String
- Length:Depends on processor
Incremental Authorization
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:7
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:6
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.approvalCode
- SCMP API Fields:
- auth_auth_code
- credit_auth_code
- incremental_auth_code
- oct_approval_code
- pin_debit_purchase_authorization_code
- pin_debit_credit_authorization_code
- Simple Order API Fields:
- ccAuthReply_authorizationCode
- ccCreditReply_authorizationCode
- ccIncrementalAuthReply_authorizationCode
- octReply_approvalCode
- pinDebitCreditReply_authorizationCode
- pinDebitPurchaseReply_authorizationCode
processorInformation. authIndicator
Type of authorization that was performed.
This field is not returned for unmarked authorizations. Some processors that support the final authorization indicator do not send this field.
Possible values for all processors except
Visa Platform Connect
:- 0: Preauthorization
- 1: Final authorization
Visa Platform Connect
Possible value for Visa transactions:
- 0: Authorization for an estimated amount
Possible values for Mastercard transactions:
- 0: Preauthorization
- 1: Final authorization
- 2: Undefined authorization
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:1
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.authIndicator
- SCMP API Field:auth_indicator
- Simple Order API Field:authIndicator
processorInformation. authorizationOptions.
Flag that indicates whether a primary account number (PAN)
is associated with an ExpressPay-enabled card or device in an authorization request.
This field is available only for the
Visa Platform Connect
processor.Possible values:
- 1: ExpressPay Translation (PAN request)
- 2: ExpressPay Translation (PAN request) and expiration date request
This field is required in the authorization request message you send to American Express
ExpressPay for a contactless transaction. If a PAN is provided, it is returned in an
authorization request response message. The value for this field corresponds to the
following data in the TC 33 capture file:
- Record: CP01 TCRB
- Position: 86-108
- Field: American Express PAN, Extended
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:1
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.authorizationOptions. panReturnIndicator
- SCMP API Field:pan_return_indicator
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthService_panReturnIndicator
processorInformation. avs. code
Code returned by the Address Verification Service (AVS) during authorization.
See AVS Codes
. Specifications
- Type:String
- Length:1
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.avs.code
- SCMP API Fields:
- auth_auth_avs
- avs
- Simple Order API Fields:
- afsService_avsCode
- ccAuthReply_avsCode
processorInformation. avs.codeRaw
AVS result code sent directly from the processor.
This field is returned only when the processor sends this value.
Do not use this value to evaluate the AVS result. Use this value only when debugging your order management system.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:10
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.avs.codeRaw
- SCMP API Field:auth_avs_raw
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_avsCodeRaw
processorInformation. cardReferenceData
Transaction identifier that is generated by the payment card company.
This field is available only for industry-practice merchant-initiated token transactions
with Discover or Diners Club payment cards processed by the
Visa Platform Connect
, and
processors.Set the value for this field to the value for the
field that was in the response message when you obtained the customer's credentials.When you use this field, you must also include the
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:46
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.cardReferenceData
- SCMP API Field:auth_card_reference_data
- Simple Order API Fields:
- Request field:ccAuthService_cardReferenceData
- Response field:ccAuthReply_cardReferenceData
processorInformation. cardVerification.resultCode
Result of card verification.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:1
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.cardVerification.resultCode
- SCMP API Field:cv_result
- Simple Order API Fields:
- afsService_cvCode
- ccAuthReply_cvCode
processorInformation. cardVerification.resultCodeRaw
CVN result code sent directly from the processor.
This field is returned only when the processor sends this value.
Do not use this value to evaluate the CVN result. Use this value only when debugging your order management system.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:11
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.cardVerification.resultCodeRaw
- SCMP API Field:auth_cv_result_raw
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_cvCodeRaw
processorInformation. consumerAuthenticationResponse.
Mapped response code for American Express SafeKey, RuPay PaySecure, or Visa Secure.
A value of
for a Visa transaction indicates that
Visa downgraded the transaction. When Visa approves an authorization and downgrades it, you
are liable for the transaction. To confirm the downgrade, look at the e-commerce indicator
for the transaction in the Business Center. You can proceed with the transaction if you want
to accept liability. If you do not want to accept liability, reverse the authorization,
attempt to authenticate the customer again, and request another authorization.Response Code | Description |
1 | CAVV failed validation and authentication. |
2 | CAVV passed validation and authentication. |
3 | CAVV passed the validation attempt. |
4 | CAVV failed the validation attempt. |
7 | CAVV failed the validation attempt and the issuer
is available. |
8 | CAVV passed the validation attempt and the issuer
is available. |
9 | CAVV failed the validation attempt and the issuer
is not available. |
A | CAVV passed the validation attempt and the issuer
is not available. |
U | Issuer does not participate or 3-D Secure data was
not used. |
99 | An unknown value was returned from the
processor. |
Response Code | Description |
0 | CAVV not validated because erroneous data was
submitted. IMPORTANT
Visa downgraded the transaction. When you receive an
authorization approval and the CAVV response code is 0 , you are
liable for the transaction. To confirm the downgrade, look at the e-commerce
indicator for the transaction in the Business Center. You can proceed with the
transaction if you want to accept liability. If you do not want to accept liability,
reverse the authorization, attempt to authenticate the customer again, and request
another authorization. |
1 | CAVV failed validation and authentication. |
2 | CAVV passed validation and authentication. |
3 | CAVV passed the validation attempt. |
4 | CAVV failed the validation attempt. |
6 | CAVV not validated because the issuer does not
participate. |
7 | CAVV failed the validation attempt and the issuer is
available. |
8 | CAVV passed the validation attempt and the issuer is
available. |
9 | CAVV failed the validation attempt and the issuer is
not available. |
A | CAVV passed the validation attempt and the issuer is
not available. |
B | CAVV passed the validation with information only; no
liability shift. |
C | CAVV attempted but not validated; issuer did not
return CAVV code. |
D | CAVV not validated or authenticated; issuer did not
return CAVV code. |
I | Invalid security data. |
U | Issuer does not participate or 3-D secure data was
not used. |
99 | An unknown value was returned from the processor. |
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:3
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.consumerAuthenticationResponse.code
- SCMP API Field:auth_cavv_response_code
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_cavvResponseCode
processorInformation. consumerAuthenticationResponse.
CAVV response code sent directly from the processor for
American Express SafeKey, RuPay PaySecure, or Visa Secure.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:3
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.consumerAuthenticationResponse.codeRaw
- SCMP API Field:auth_cavv_response_code_raw
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_cavvResponseCodeRaw
processorInformation. customer.personalIDResult
Personal identifier result.
If you included
in the request, this value indicates whether buyerInformation.personalIdentification[].id
matched a value in a record on file. Possible values:
- Y: Match
- N: No match
- K: Not supported
- U: Unknown
- Z: No response returned
This field is available only for Rede card in Brazil for the
Cybersource Latin American Processing
processor. It is returned only when the personal ID result
is returned by the processor.Cybersource Latin American Processing
is the name of a specific processing connection. Cybersource Latin American Processing
Cybersource Latin American Processing
. It
is not for any other Latin American processors.Specifications
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:1
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.customer.personalIDResult
- SCMP API Field:auth_personal_id_result
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_personalIDCode
processorInformation. electronicVerificationResults.code
Mapped electronic verification response code for the customer’s name.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:1
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.code
- SCMP API Field:auth_ev_name
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_evName
processorInformation. electronicVerificationResults.codeRaw
Raw electronic verification response code from the processor for the customer’s last name.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:s1
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.codeRaw
- SCMP API Field:auth_ev_name_raw
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_evNameRaw
Mapped electronic verification response code for the customer’s email address.
- Type:String
- Length:1
Mapping Information
- SCMP API Field:auth_ev_email
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_evEmail
processorInformation. electronicVerificationResults.emailRaw
Raw electronic verification response code from the processor for the customer’s email address.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:1
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.emailRaw
- SCMP API Field:auth_ev_email_raw
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_evEmailRaw
processorInformation. electronicVerificationResults.
Mapped electronic verification response code from the processor for the
customer’s first name.
This field is available only for the
Visa Platform Connect
processor.Possible values:
- N: No match.
- O: Partial match.
- Y: Match.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:1
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.firstName
- SCMP API Field:auth_ev_firstname
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_evFirstName
processorInformation. electronicVerificationResults. firstNameRaw
Raw electronic verification response code from the processor for the
customer’s first name.
This field is available only for the
Visa Platform Connect
processor.Possible values:
- 01: Match.
- 50: Partial match.
- 99: No match.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:2
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.firstNameRaw
- SCMP API Field:auth_ev_firstname_raw
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_evFirstNameRaw
processorInformation. electronicVerificationResults.
Mapped electronic verification response code from the processor for the
customer’s last name.
This field is available only for the
Visa Platform Connect
processor.Possible values:
- N: No match.
- O: Partial match.
- Y: Match.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:1
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.lastName
- SCMP API Field:auth_ev_lastname
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_evLastName
processorInformation. electronicVerificationResults. lastNameRaw
Raw electronic verification response code from the processor for the
customer’s last name.
This field is available only for the
Visa Platform Connect
processor.Possible values:
- 01: Match.
- 50: Partial match.
- 99: No match.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:2
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.lastNameRaw
- SCMP API Field:auth_ev_lastname_raw
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_evLastNameRaw
processorInformation. electronicVerificationResults. middleName
Mapped electronic verification response code from the processor for the
customer’s middle name.
This field is available only for the
Visa Platform Connect
processor.Possible values:
- N: No match.
- O: Partial match.
- Y: Match.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:1
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.middleName
- SCMP API Field:auth_ev_middlename
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_evMiddleName
processorInformation. electronicVerificationResults. middleNameRaw
Raw electronic verification response code from the processor for the
customer’s middle name.
This field is available only for the
Visa Platform Connect
processor.Possible values:
- 01: Match.
- 50: Partial match.
- 99: No match.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:2
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.middleNameRaw
- SCMP API Field:auth_ev_middlename_raw
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_evMiddleNameRaw
processorInformation. electronicVerificationResults. name
Mapped electronic verification response code from the processor for the
customer’s full name: first name, middle name, and last name.
This field is supported only for
Visa Platform Connect
.Possible values:
- N: No match.
- O: Partial match.
- Y: Match.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:1
Mapping Information
- SCMP API Field:auth_ev_name
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_evName
processorInformation. electronicVerificationResults. nameRaw
Raw electronic verification response code from the processor for the
customer’s full name: first name, middle name, and last name.
This field is available only for the
Visa Platform Connect
processor.Possible values:
- 01: Match.
- 50: Partial match.
- 99: No match.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:2
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.nameRaw
- SCMP API Field:auth_ev_name_raw
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_evNameRaw
processorInformation. electronicVerificationResults.
Mapped electronic verification response code for the customer’s phone number.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:1
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.phoneNumber
- SCMP API Field:auth_ev_phone_number
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_evPhoneNumber
processorInformation. electronicVerificationResults.
Raw electronic verification response code from the processor for the customer’s phone number.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:1
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.phoneNumberRaw
- SCMP API Field:auth_ev_phone_number_raw
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_evPhoneNumberRaw
processorInformation. electronicVerificationResults.
Mapped electronic verification response code for the customer’s postal code.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:1
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.postalCode
- SCMP API Field:auth_ev_postal_code
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_evPostalCode
processorInformation. electronicVerificationResults.
Raw electronic verification response code from the processor for the customer’s postal code.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:1
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.postalCodeRaw
- SCMP API Field:auth_ev_postal_code_raw
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_evPostalCodeRaw
processorInformation. electronicVerificationResults.
Mapped electronic verification response code for the customer’s street address.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:1
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.street
- SCMP API Field:auth_ev_street
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_evStreet
processorInformation. electronicVerificationResults.
Raw electronic verification response code from the processor for the customer’s street address.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:1
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.streetRaw
- SCMP API Field:auth_ev_street_raw
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_evStreetRaw
processorInformation. emsTransactionRiskScore
Fraud score for a MasterCard transaction.
This field is available only for the
Visa Platform Connect
processor, for authorizations on
Mastercard payment cards issued in the US. To receive a fraud score, you must have
Mastercard Expert Monitoring Solutions enabled for your account.- Positions 1-3: Fraud score. This value ranges from 001 to 998, where 001 indicates the least likely fraudulent transaction and 998 indicates the most likely fraudulent transaction.
- Positions 4-5: Reason code that specifies the reason for the fraud score. Possible values:
- 01: Suspicious cross border activity.
- 02: Suspicious transaction.
- 03: High number of transactions.
- 04: High number of transactions at an unattended terminal.
- 05: Suspicious recent history of transactions.
- 06: Suspicious activity and high number of transactions.
- 07: Suspicious cardholder not present activity.
- 08: Suspicious activity and low number of transactions.
- 09: Suspicious service station activity.
- 10: Suspicious online activity.
- 11: High amount transaction or high cumulated amount recently spent.
- 12: Suspicious gambling activity.
- 13: Suspicious phone or mail order activity.
- 14: Suspicious grocery store activity.
- 15: High risk country.
- 16: High amount, high number of transactions, and cross border.
- 17: Suspicious activity including previous declined transactions.
- 18: Suspicious airline activity.
- 19: Score forced to be 001 because the transaction being scored was a 04xx message.
- 20: Not a financial transaction.
- 21: Abnormal geographic activity.
- 22: Abnormal, high frequency at the same MCC.
- 23: High amount recent ATM activity.
- 24: Suspicious recent ATM activity or suspicious ATM activity following a recent abnormal activity.
- 25: Suspicious telecom activity.
- 26: High number of international ATM transactions.
- 27: High cumulated withdrawal amount on international ATM.
- 28: High velocity of domestic ATM transactions.
- 29: High risk MCC.
- Positions 6-32: Reserved for future use.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:32
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.emsTransactionRiskScore
- SCMP API Field:auth_ems_transaction_risk_score
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_emsTransactionRiskScore
processorInformation. forwardedAcquirerCode
Name of the Japanese acquirer that processed the transaction.
This field is only returned by the
JCN Gateway
processor.Contact the
Japan Support Group for more information.Specifications
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:32
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.forwardedAcquirerCode
- SCMP API Fields:
- auth_forward
- auth_reversal_forward
- credit_forward
- Simple Order API Fields:
- ccAuthReply_forwardCode
- ccAuthReversalReply_forwardCode
- ccCreditReply_forwardCode
processorInformation. masterCardAuthenticationType
Type of authentication for which the transaction
qualifies as determined by the Mastercard authentication service, which confirms the identity of
the cardholder.
Mastercard provides this value to
.This field is available only on the
Visa Platform Connect
processor.Possible values:
- 1: Transaction qualifies for Mastercard authentication type 1.
- 2: Transaction qualifies for Mastercard authentication type 2.
The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:
- Record: CP01 TCR6
- Position: 132
- Field: Mastercard Member Defined Data
The TC 33 capture file contains information
about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to
. The processor creates the TC 33 capture file at the end of the day and sends it
to the merchant’s acquirer. The acquirer uses this information to facilitate
end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.Specifications
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:1
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.masterCardAuthenticationType
- SCMP API Field:auth_transaction_qualification
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_transactionQualification
processorInformation. masterCardServiceCode
Mastercard service that was used for the transaction.
Mastercard provides this value to
.This field is available only for the
Visa Platform Connect
processor.Possible value is
: Mastercard card-on-file token service.The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:
- Record: CP01 TCR6
- Position: 133-134
- Field: Mastercard Merchant on-behalf service
The TC 33 capture file contains information
about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to
. The processor creates the TC 33 capture file at the end of the day and sends it
to the merchant’s acquirer. The acquirer uses this information to facilitate
end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.Specifications
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:2
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.masterCardServiceCode
- SCMP API Fields:
- auth_payment_card_service
- auth_reversal_payment_card_service
- Simple Order API Fields:
- ccAuthReply_paymentCardService
- ccAuthReversalReply_paymentCardService
processorInformation. masterCardServiceReplyCode
Result of the Mastercard card-on-file token service.
Mastercard provides this value to
.This field is available only for the
Visa Platform Connect
processor.Possible values:
- C: Service completed successfully.
- F: One of the following:
- Incorrect Mastercard POS entry mode. The Mastercard POS entry mode should be81for an authorization or authorization reversal.
- Incorrect Mastercard POS entry mode. The Mastercard POS entry mode should be01for a tokenized request.
- Token requestor ID is missing or formatted incorrectly.
- I: One of the following:
- Invalid token requestor ID.
- Suspended or deactivated token.
- Invalid token (not in mapping table).
- T: Invalid combination of token requestor ID and token.
- U: Expired token.
- W: Primary account number (PAN) listed in electronic warning bulletin.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:1
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.masterCardServiceReplyCode
- SCMP API Fields:
- auth_payment_card_service_result
- auth_reversal_payment_card_service_result
- Simple Order API Fields:
- ccAuthReply_paymentCardServiceResult
- ccAuthReversalReply_paymentCardServiceResult
processorInformation. merchantAdvice.code
Category code indicating information about a decline.
When this field is used for Mastercard with
FDC Nashville Global
, it is available
only for card-not-present declined transactions. When this field is used for Visa with
FDC Nashville Global
, it is available for both card-present and card-not-present
declined transactions.IMPORTANT
Use the values returned in this field for Visa and Mastercard to
determine whether to retry declined transactions. Update your retry logic to ensure that a
retry is not attempted when the card association won't approve the transactions. A retry on
a transaction with a value in this field that prohibits retry, such as the value of
for Visa (Issuer never approves) or 3
for Mastercard
(Do not try again), can incur a penalty from card companies.IMPORTANT
If a decline does not have a merchant advice code in the response, the
default is not to retry the transaction.
Visa and Mastercard, in addition to the merchant advice codes, provide decline response
codes. American Express and Discover do not provide category codes, but they do provide
decline response codes.
Possible Values for Chase Paymentech Solutions, FDC Nashville Global, GPX, and Visa Platform Connect
Chase Paymentech Solutions
, FDC Nashville Global
, and Visa Platform Connect
- 1: Issuer never approves
- 2: Issuer cannot approve at this time
- 3: Data quality/revalidate payment information
- 01: New account information available
- 02: Try again later
- 03: Do not try again
- 04: Token not supported
- 21: Do not honor
- 22: Merchant does not qualify for product code
- 24: Retry after 1 hour
- 25: Retry after 24 hours
- 26: Retry after 2 days
- 27: Retry after 4 days
- 28: Retry after 6 days
- 29: Retry after 8 days
- 30: Retry after 10 days
- 40: Non-reloadable prepaid card
- 41: Non-reloadable prepaid card
- 42: Sanctions score exceeds applicable threshold value
- 99: Do not try again
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:2
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.merchantAdvice.code
- SCMP API Field:merchant_advice_code
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_merchantAdviceCode
processorInformation. merchantAdvice.codeRaw
Raw merchant advice code sent directly from the processor.
This field is processed by the
FDC Compass
and Visa Platform Connect
processors. Possible values:
- 00: No information, or response not provided.
- 01: New account information is available. Obtain the new information.
- 02: Try again later.
- 03: Do not try again. Obtain another type of payment from the customer.
- 04: Problem with a token or a partial shipment indicator. Do not try again.
- 08: Payment blocked by the payment card company.
- 21: Recurring payment cancellation service.
- 99: An unknown value was returned from the processor.
- 7903: Do not try again
- 7921: Do not honor
- 7940: Non‐reloadable prepaid card
- 7941: Non‐reloadable prepaid card
- 7942: Sanctions score exceeds applicable threshold value
Visa Platform Connect
The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:
- Record: CP01 TCR7
- Position: 96-99
- Field: Response Data—Merchant Advice Code
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:2
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.merchantAdvice.codeRaw
- SCMP API Field:auth_merchant_advice_code_raw
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_merchantAdviceCodeRaw
processorInformation. merchantAdvice.nameMatch
Flag returned by an issuer to indicate the result of
an account name for which you sent a zero amount authorization request.
Possible values returned:
- 00: Name match performed.
- 01: Name match not performed.
- 02: Name match not supported.
Use the response value to verify an account name
before you request authorization for an AFT or an OCT.
When you send a zero-amount authorization request, the message must include the
field. The
authorization request should include these additional request fields if the information is available:- orderInformation.billTo.firstName
- orderInformation.billTo.lastName
This field is available only for the
Visa Platform Connect
processor, and only from acquirers
that support account inquiry services.Specifications
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:2
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.merchantAdvice.nameMatch
- SCMP API Field:auth_name_match
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_nameMatch
processorInformation. merchantNumber
Identifier that was assigned to you by your acquirer.
This value must be printed on the receipt.
This field is supported only for
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:15
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.merchantNumber
- SCMP API Field:acquirer_merchant_number
- Simple Order API Field:acquirerMerchantNumber
processorInformation. networkTransactionId
Network transaction identifier (TID).
This field is available only for the
Visa Platform Connect
processor and only when the credit is
authorized.You can use this value to identify a specific transaction when you are discussing the transaction with your acquirer.
- Type:String
- Length:15
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.networkTransactionId
- SCMP API Field:credit_auth_payment_network_transaction_id
- Simple Order API Field:ccCreditReply_paymentNetworkTransactionID
processorInformation. paymentAccountReferenceNumber
Visa-generated reference number that identifies a transaction for
which you provided one of the following:
- Visa primary account number (PAN)
- Visa-generated token for a PAN
This reference number provides a link to the cardholder account and to all transactions for
that account.
This field is available on the
Visa Platform Connect
Elavon Americas
processors.Visa Platform Connect Processor Specific Information
Visa Platform Connect
Processor Specific InformationThe following information is specific to the
Visa Platform Connect
processor:For transactions with American Express, the value for this field corresponds to the
following data in the TC 33 capture file:
- Record: CP01 TCR8
- Position: 79-107
- Field: PAR—Payment Account Reference
Token Management Service
transactions, the value for this field corresponds to the
following data in the TC 33 capture file: - Record: CP01 TCR8
- Position: 79-110
- Field: Payment Account Reference
The TC 33 capture file contains information
about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to
. The processor creates the TC 33 capture file at the end of the day and sends it
to the merchant’s acquirer. The acquirer uses this information to facilitate
end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.Specifications
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:35
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.paymentAccountReferenceNumber
- SCMP API Field:payment_account_reference
- Simple Order API Field:paymentAccountReference
token generated by an alternative
payment method.When the alternative payment method approves an order, it generates a pre-approval
token in the
response field. The
pre-approval token is also known as a session token
or a processor
. Specifications
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:60
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.preApprovalToken
- SCMP API Field:ap_auth_preapproval_token
- Simple Order API Field:apAuthService_preapprovalToken
processorInformation. responseCategoryCode
Processor-defined response category code.
This field is returned only for:
- Japanese issuers
- Domestic transactions in Japan
- Credit Mutuel-CIC—the value returned in this field is a processor transaction ID required for troubleshooting. The associated detail error code is in theprocessorInformation.responseCategoryCodefield or theissuerInformation.responseCodefield, depending on which service you requested.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:3
- Data Length:
- 36Comercio Latino:
- All other processors:3
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.responseCategoryCode
- SCMP API Field:additional_processor_response
- Simple Order API Field:additionalProcessorResponse
processorInformation. responseCode
Response code from the issuer or the processor
providing the status of the request.
This field is returned only when the processor sends this value.
Do not use this field to evaluate the result of the request.
This field is available for these services:
- Authorization and Incremental Authorization—This field is returned only when the processor sends this value.
- Credit—This field is returned only when the credit is authorized and the processor sends this value.
- PIN Debit—This field is the value that is returned by the processor or bank in a response.
This field is available only for the
, Comercio Latino
, China UnionPay
, JCN Gateway
, and
Visa Platform Connect
processors. These processors have specific requirements:
- When this value is08, you can accept the transaction if the customer provides you with identification.
- China UnionPay
- The reason code indicates that the request was completed successfully, the reason that the request was declined, or it can provide other information that you can use to determine subsequent action.China UnionPayreturns one of these values as the reason code:
- 00: Approved or completed successfully.
- 01: Declined. Contact the issuer.
- 03: Declined. Invalid merchant.
- 04: Pick up.China UnionPayrecommends withholding the card.
- 05: Declined. Failed cardholder certification.
- 10: Partial amount approved.
- 11: Approved or completed successfully (VIP customer).
- 12: Declined. Invalid transaction.
- 13: Declined. Invalid amount.
- 14: Declined. Invalid card number.
- 15: Declined. No matching issuer.
- 16: Approved. Update the third magnetic track.
- 20: Declined. Update the QR code.
- 21: Declined. Card has not been initialized or it is dormant.
- 22: Declined. Operation error or exceeds the number of days allowed for transaction.
- 25: Declined. Unable to locate original transaction. Contact the issuer.
- 30: Declined due to format error. Retry.
- 34: Pick up (fraudulent card).China UnionPayrecommends withholding the card.
- 38: Declined. PIN retry limit exceeded.
- 40: Declined. Transaction is not supported.
- 41: Pick up (lost card).China UnionPayrecommends withholding the card.
- 43: Pick up (stolen card).China UnionPayrecommends withholding the card.
- 45: Declined. Fallback transaction not allowed.
- 51: Declined. Insufficient balance.
- 54: Declined. Expired card.
- 55: Declined. Incorrect PIN.
- 57: Declined. Transaction is not allowed on the card.
- 58: Declined. Transaction is not allowed by the issuer.
- 59: Declined. Suspected fraud.
- 61: Declined. Transaction amount exceeds limit.
- 62: Declined. Restricted card.
- 64: Declined. Transaction amount does not match original transaction amount.
- 65: Declined. Transaction exceeds the limited times of withdrawal.
- 68: Declined. Issuer response time-out. Retry later.
- 75: Declined. Number of PIN tries exceeds the limit.
- 90: Declined. Daily cutoff is in progress. Retry later.
- 91: Declined. Issuer status is abnormal. Retry later.
- 92: Declined. Connectivity of issuer is abnormal. Retry later.
- 94: Declined. Duplicate transaction.
- 96: Declined. Switch system malfunction. Retry later.
- 97: Declined. Unregistered terminal number.
- 98: Declined. Issuer response time-out.
- 99: Declined. Error in PIN format. Retry sign-in.
- A0: Declined. Error in MAC verification. Retry sign-in.
- A2: Approved. Transaction successful with defect. Confirm with transfer-in bank.
- A3: Declined. Transfer recipient's account not found.
- A4: Approved. Transaction successful with defect. Confirm with transfer-in bank.
- A5: Approved. Transaction successful with defect. Confirm with transfer-in bank.
- A6: Approved. Transaction successful with defect. Confirm with transfer-in bank.
- A7: Security processing failure.
- B1: Declined. Transaction receipt not printed.
- C1: Declined. Illegal status of acquirer.
- D1: Incorrect institution identification code.
- D2: Data error.
- D3: Invalid file type.
- D4: File Processed.
- D5: File not found.
- D6: Transaction not supported by recipient.
- D7: File locked.
- D8: Unsuccessful.
- D9: Incorrect file length.
- DA: File decompression error.
- DB: File name error.
- DC: File cannot be received.
- F1: File record format error.
- F2: File record repeated.
- F3: File record does not exist.
- F4: File record error.
- N1: Declined. Unregistered account exceeds transaction limit.
- N2: Declined. Transaction amount exceeds balance.
- P1: Declined. Contact phone number not found.
- Y1: Approved.
- Y3: Approved.
- Z1: Declined.
- Z3: Declined.
- 1A: Declined. Additional customer authentication is required.
- Comercio Latino
- This value is the status code and the error or response code received from the processor separated by a colon.Format: [status code]:E[error code] or [status code]:R[response code]Example:2:R06
- JCN Gateway
- Processor-defined detail error code. The associated response category code is in theprocessorInformation.responseCategoryCodeRESTAPI field.
- Visa Platform Connect
- The response code valueZ5(valid account, but amount is not supported) is returned when the anticipated amount mentioned in the transaction exceeds the account limit or available funds.The response code value70(PIN data required) is possible in these countries only when the PIN data is not included in domestic card-present transactions:
- Albania
- Azerbaijan
- Georgia
- India
- Moldova
- Montenegro
- North Macedonia
- Ukraine
The response code value1A(additional customer authentication required) is possible only in these countries when Strong Customer Authentication (SCA_ is requested for an e-commerce or card-present transaction:- Albania
- Azerbaijan
- Georgia
- Moldova
- Montenegro
- North Macedonia
- Ukraine
These response codes are available only for Mastercard on theVisa Platform Connectprocessor.Mastercard declined authorizations:If an authorization is declined for a point-of-sale transaction, Mastercard returns a combined response code and decline reason code. The codes are added to the authorization response in this field:- Record: Field 104
- Dataset ID: 65
- Tag: 48
Theresponse codecan be one of these values:- 51: Insufficient funds
- 79: Life cycle
- 82: Policy
- 83: Fraud or security
Thedecline reason codeindicates the reason that the authorization was declined, or it can provide other information that you can use to determine subsequent action. Mastercard returns one of these values as the decline reason code:- 01: New account information available.
- 02: Cannot approve at this time. Retry later.
- 03: Do not retry.
- 24: Retry after 1 hour.
- 25: Retry after 24 hours.
- 26: Retry after 2 days.
- 27: Retry after 4 days.
- 28: Retry after 6 days.
- 29: Retry after 8 days.
- 30: Retry after 10 days.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length
- JCN Gateway: 3
- Other supported processors: 6 (eCheck transactions); 10 (other transactions)
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.responseCode
- SCMP API Fields:
- auth_auth_response
- auth_reversal_auth_response
- credit_auth_response
- ecp_credit_result_code
- ecp_debit_result_code
- incremental_auth_response
- oct_response_code
- pin_debit_credit_processor_response
- pin_debit_purchase_processor_response
- pin_debit_reversal_processor_response
- Simple Order API Fields:
- ccAuthReply_processorResponse
- ccAuthReply_merchantAdviceCode
- ccAuthReversalReply_processorResponse
- ccCreditReply_processorResponse
- ccIncrementalAuthReply_processorResponse
- ecCreditReply_processorResponse
- ecDebitReply_processorResponse
- octReply_processorResponse
- pinDebitCreditReply_processorResponse
- pinDebitPurchaseReply_processorResponse
- pinDebitReversalReply_processorResponse
processorInformation. responseDetails
Additional information about a declined transaction.
This field is available only on the
OmniPay Direct
Visa Platform Connect
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:255
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.responseDetails
- SCMP API Field:additional_data
- Simple Order API Field:additionalData
processorInformation. retrievalReferenceNumber
Reconciliation reference number.
This field is available only for the
Visa Platform Connect
processor.- Visa Platform Connect
- Retrieval request number.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:20
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.retrievalReferenceNumber
- SCMP API Field:auth_reconciliation_reference_number
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_reconciliationReferenceNumber
processorInformation. routing. network
Indicates whether the transaction was routed on
a credit network, a debit network, or the STAR
signature debit network.
This field is available only on the
FDC Nashville Global
processor.Possible values:
- C: Credit network
- D: Debit network (without signature)
- S: STAR signature debit network
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:1
Mapping Information
- SCMP API Fields:
- pin_debit_credit_network_code
- pin_debit_purchase_network_code
- routing_network_type
- Simple Order API Fields:
- pinDebitCreditReply_networkCode
- pinDebitPurchaseReply_networkCode
- routing_networkType
processorInformation. routing.
Indicates whether you need to obtain the
cardholder's signature.
This field is available only on the
FDC Nashville Global
processor.Possible values:
- Y: You need to obtain the cardholder's signature.
- N: You do not need to obtain the cardholder's signature.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:1
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.routing.customerSignatureRequired
- SCMP API Field:routing_signature_cvm_required
- Simple Order API Field:routing_signatureCVMRequired
processorInformation. routing. networkName
Name of the network on which the transaction
was routed.
This field is available only on the
FDC Nashville Global
processor.Possible values:
- Visa
- Mastercard
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:10
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.routing.networkName
- SCMP API Field:routing_network_label
- Simple Order API Field:routing_networkLabel
processorInformation. sellerProtection.eligibility
Indicates whether customer has seller protection enabled.
Possible values:
- true: Seller protection is enabled.
- false: Seller protection is not enabled.
- Data Type:Boolean
- Data Length:5
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.sellerProtection.eligibility
- SCMP API Field:ap_seller_protection_eligibility
- Simple Order API Field:apReply_sellerProtection_eligibility
processorInformation. systemTraceAuditNumber
Receipt number.
This field is available only on the
American Express Direct
, Visa Platform Connect
, and SIX
processors.Credit Card Transactions
- System trace audit number (STAN). This value identifies the transaction and is useful when investigating a chargeback dispute.American Express Direct:
- System trace number that must be printed on the customer’s receipt.Visa Platform Connect:
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:6
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.systemTraceAuditNumber
- SCMP API Field:receipt_number
- Simple Order API Field:receiptNumber
processorInformation. transactionID
Transaction identifier (TID) or Processor transaction ID that is used to identify and track a transaction throughout its life cycle.
This field is available only on the
American Express Direct
, Elavon Americas
, and Moneris
processors.- American Express DirectandElavon Americas
- This field is available only American Express card transactions on these processors.American Express generates this value. To comply with the CAPN requirements, this value must be included in all subsequent follow-on requests, such as captures and follow-on credits.When you perform authorizations, captures, and credits throughCybersource,Cybersourcepasses this value from the authorization service to the subsequent services for you. However, when you perform authorizations throughCybersourceand perform subsequent services through other financial institutions, you must ensure that requests for captures and credits include this value.
- Moneris
- This value identifies the transaction on a host system. It contains the following information:
- Terminal used to process the transaction.
- Shift during which the transaction took place.
- Batch number.
- Transaction number within the batch.
You must store this value. If you give the customer a receipt, display this value on the receipt.ExampleFor the value66012345001069003:- Terminal ID =66012345
- Shift number =001
- Batch number =069
- Transaction number =003
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:87 (for e-check transactions); 15 (for all other transactions)
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.transactionID
- SCMP API Fields:
- auth_payment_network_transaction_id
- auth_processor_trans_id
- auth_reversal_processor_trans_id
- auth_transaction_id
- bill_processor_trans_id
- credit_processor_trans_id
- ecp_credit_processor_trans_id
- ecp_debit_processor_trans_id
- incremental_auth_payment_network_transaction_id
- oct_payment_network_transaction_id
- pin_debit_purchase_transaction_id
- Simple Order API Fields:
- ccAuthReply_transactionID
- ccAuthReply_paymentNetworkTransactionID
- ccAuthReply_processorTransactionID
- ccAuthReversalReply_processorTransactionID
- ccCaptureReply_processorTransactionID
- ccCreditReply_processorTransactionID
- ccIncrementalAuthReply_paymentNetworkTransactionID
- ecCreditReply_processorTransactionID
- ecDebitReply_processorTransactionID
- octReply_paymentNetworkTransactionID
- pinDebitPurchaseReply_transactionID
processorInformation. transactionIntegrityCode
Transaction integrity classification provided by Mastercard.
This field is available only for the
Visa Platform Connect
processor.This value indicates Mastercard’s evaluation of the transaction’s safety and security.
Possible values for card-present transactions:
- A1: EMV or token in a secure, trusted environment.
- B1: EMV or chip equivalent.
- C1: Magnetic stripe.
- E1: Key entered.
- U0: Unclassified.
Possible values for card-not-present transactions:
- A2: Digital transactions.
- B2: Authenticated checkout.
- C2: Transaction validation.
- D2: Enhanced data.
- E2: Generic messaging.
- U0: Unclassified.
For information about these values, contact Mastercard or your acquirer.
The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:
- Record: CP01 TCR6
- Position: 136-137
- Field: Mastercard Transaction Integrity Classification
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:2
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.transactionIntegrityCode
- SCMP API Field:auth_transaction_integrity
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthReply_transactionIntegrity
processorInformation. merchantRiskPrediction
This value is the merchant risk prediction score. The score consists of seven
independent scores that are determined by artificial intelligence (AI). The merchant
risk prediction score is used in addition to existing risk management practices.
This field is available only for
Visa Platform Connect
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:150
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processorInformation.merchantRiskPrediction
- SCMP API Field:merchant_risk_prediction
- Simple Order API Field:merchant_riskPrediction