merchantInformation. categoryCodeDomestic

Merchant category code for domestic transactions.
This field is available only on the
Chase Paymentech Solutions
OmniPay Direct
, and
Visa Platform Connect
The value for this field is a four-digit number that the payment card industry uses to classify merchants into market segments. A payment card company assigned one or more of these values to your business when you started accepting the payment card company’s cards. Including this field in a request for a domestic transaction might reduce interchange fees.
Visa Platform Connect
This field is available only for domestic transactions with Visa or Mastercard in Spain. Domestic means that you and the customer are in the same country.
When you include this field in a Visa request, you must also include the
When you include this field in a Mastercard request, including the
field is optional.
Chase Paymentech Solutions
This field is available only for Payouts transactions. It is not supported for standard credit card transactions. It is optional for Mastercard and Visa transactions.
OmniPay Direct
Do not include the
field. The value for this field overrides the value in your account.
This field is available only for:
  • Domestic transactions with Mastercard in Spain. Domestic means that you and the customer are in the same country.
  • Merchants enrolled in the
    OmniPay Direct
    interchange program.
  • First Data Merchant Solutions (Europe) on
    OmniPay Direct


  • Data Type:
  • Length:

Mapping Information

  • REST API Field:
  • SCMP API Field:
  • Simple Order API Field: