- productInformation
- productInformation. selectedProducts. payments. cardPresentConnect. subscriptionInformation. enabled
On This Page
paymentInformation. card.expirationMonth
Two-digit month in which the payment card expires.
Format: MM
Possible values:
through 12
. Leading
is required.IMPORTANT
This field is optional if your account is configured for relaxed requirements for expiration
For details about relaxed requirements, see the support
article Relaxed Requirements for Address Data and
Expiration Date in Credit Card Transactions
.- BarclaysandStreamline
- For Maestro (UK Domestic and International) cards, this value must be valid (01 through 12) but is not required to be a valid expiration date. In other words, an expiration date that is in the past does not causeCybersourceto reject a request. However, an invalid expiration date might cause the issuer to reject a request.
- Chase Paymentech Solutions
- For encoded account numbers (paymentInformation.card.typeorpaymentInformation.tokenizedCard.type=039), set the value for this field to12if the card does not provide an expiration date.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:2
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:paymentInformation.card.expirationMonth
- SCMP API Field:customer_cc_expmo
- Simple Order API Field:card_expirationMonth