- productInformation
- productInformation. selectedProducts. payments. cardPresentConnect. subscriptionInformation. enabled
On This Page
orderInformation. billTo.firstName
Customer name.
Value should match value on card.
This field is optional if your account is configured for relaxed requirements for address
For details about relaxed requirements, see the support
article Relaxed Requirements for Address Data and
Expiration Date in Credit Card Transactions.
- Cybersource Latin American Processing
- For an authorization request,Cybersource Latin American ProcessingconcatenatesorderInformation.billTo.firstNameandorderInformation.billTo.lastName. If the concatenated value exceeds 30 characters,Cybersource Latin American Processingdeclines the authorization request.Cybersource Latin American Processingis the name of a specific processing connection.does not refer to the general topic of processing in Latin America. The information in this field description, or in this section of the field description, is for the specific processing connection calledCybersource Latin American ProcessingCybersource Latin American Processing. It is not for any other Latin American processors.
- Visa Platform Connect
- Credit card networks cannot process transactions that contain non-ASCII characters.Visa Platform Connectaccepts and stores non-ASCII characters correctly and displays them correctly in reports. However, the limitations of the payment card networks preventVisa Platform Connectfrom transmitting non-ASCII characters to the payment card networks. Therefore,Visa Platform Connectreplaces non-ASCII characters with meaningless ASCII characters for transmission to the payment card networks.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:60
- Data Length:
- See field description.Cybersource Latin American Processing:
- 25Worldpay VAP:
- All other processors:60
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:orderInformation.billTo.firstName
- SCMP API Field:customer_firstname
- Simple Order API Field:billTo_firstName
Processor Field Names
This list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that
supports Level II or Level III data.
- Does not applyAmerican Express Direct: