- productInformation
- productInformation. selectedProducts. payments. cardPresentConnect. subscriptionInformation. enabled
On This Page
processingInformation. authorizationOptions.
Mode of transportation or type of
transportation-related payment.
This field is available only for the
Visa Platform Connect
processor.Possible values:
- 00: Use this value for debt recovery, more than one transportation mode, or an unknown transportation mode.
- 01: Urban bus
- 02: Interurban bus
- 03: Light train mass transit
- 04: Train
- 05: Commuter train
- 06: Waterborne vehicle
- 07: Toll
- 08: Parking
- 09: Taxi
- 10: High-speed train
- 11: Rural bus
- 12: Express commuter train
- 13: Paratransit
- 14: Self-driving vehicle
- 15: Coach
- 16: Locomotive
- 17: Powered motor coach
- 18: Trailer
- 19: Regional train
- 20: Inter-city transportation
- 21: Funicular train
- 22: Cable car
This field is supported only for mass transit transactions.
The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:
- Record: CP01 TCR7
- Position: 153-154
- Field: Transportation Mode Indicator
The TC 33 capture file contains information
about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to
. The processor creates the TC 33 capture file at the end of the day and sends it
to the merchant’s acquirer. The acquirer uses this information to facilitate
end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.Specifications
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:2
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processingInformation.authorizationOptions.transportationMode
- SCMP API Field:transportation_mode
- Simple Order API Field:ccAuthService_transportationMode