
Sub-merchant’s business name.
Chase Paymentech Solutions
This field is available only for Payouts transactions. It is not supported for standard credit card transactions.
FDC Compass
This value must consist of uppercase characters.
Visa Platform Connect
The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:
  • Record: CP01 TCRB
  • Position: 109-146
  • Field: American Express Seller Name


  • Data Type:
  • Data Length:
    • American Express Direct
      : Maximum length of the sub-merchant name depends on the length of the aggregator name. The combined length for both values must not exceed 37 characters.
    • Chase Paymentech Solutions
      : Mastercard: 22, Visa: 25.
    • FDC Compass
      : American Express: 19. Mastercard: maximum length of the sub-merchant name depends on the length of the aggregator name. The combined length for both values must not exceed 37 characters.
    • FDC Nashville Global
      : American Express: 12. Mastercard: maximum length of the sub-merchant name depends on the length of the aggregator name: if aggregator name length is 1 through 3, maximum sub-merchant name length is 21; if aggregator name length is 4 through 7, maximum sub-merchant name length is 17; if aggregator name length is 8 through 12, maximum sub-merchant name length is 12.
    • Visa Platform Connect
      : American Express: maximum length of the sub-merchant name depends on the length of the aggregator name. The combined length for both values must not exceed 36 characters. Not used with other card types.

Mapping Information

  • REST API Field:
  • SCMP API Field:
  • Simple Order API Field: