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Unique, time-limited identifier for the
Token Management Service
) transient token. The 64 hexadecimal value representing captured payment credentials, including sensitive authentication data (SAD).
field expires after 24 hours.Use this ID in place of the payment data in a service request. When you include this value in your request, many of the fields that are normally required for an authorization or capture are not required.
- BIN Lookup Service
- When you send multiple fields in thepaymentInformation[]andtokenInformation[]objects, BIN Lookup processes fields in thepaymentInformation[]object first, and then it processes fields in thetokenInformation[]object.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:64
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:tokenInformation.jti
- SCMP API Field:transient_token
- Simple Order API Field:tokenSource_transientToken