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Alternative tax rate applied to the item.
- FDC Nashville Global
- For Mastercard, this is the rate for a special tax.For Visa, this is a VAT tax or other tax rate.
- OmniPay Direct
- This rate is used to generate the value of theitem_#_alternateTaxAmountItem-levelfield.When you include theitem_#_alternateTaxAmountItem-levelfield or theotherTax_nationalTaxAmountrequest field, do not include theitem_#_alternateTaxRatefield. TheotherTax_nationalTaxAmountrequest field rate will be set using the following equation:otherTax_nationalTaxAmount/item_#_unitPricefield.For Visa, this is a VAT tax or other tax rate.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:
- 4OmniPay Direct:
- 8Worldpay VAP:
- All other processors:5
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:orderInformation.lineItems[].taxDetails[].rate
- SCMP API Fields:
- alternate_tax_amount
- vat_rate
- Simple Order API Fields:
- item_#_alternateTaxRate
- item_#_vatRate
Processor Field Names
This list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that
supports Level II or Level III data:
- FDC Nashville Global: Item Tax Rate Applied
- FDMS South: Does not apply
- GPN: Tax Rate N
- OmniPay Direct: VAT / TAx Rate (Freight or Shipping)
- Worldpay VAP: taxRate