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The type of 3-D Secure transaction flow.
When you request the payer authentication and authorization services separately, get the value for this field from the response field.
or payerAuthValidateReply_effectiveAuthenticationType
Possible Values:
- CH: Challenge.Strong customer authentication is required. The cardholder must prove that they are present and enter the payment details by providing two of the following elements:
- Something on the cardholder's body. Example: fingerprint.
- Something the cardholder has. Examples: plastic card, mobile device, token generator.
- Something the cardholder knows. Examples: PIN, password.
- FR: Frictionless.The transaction can proceed without cardholder authentication.
- FD: Frictionless with delegation (challenge not generated by the issuer but by the scheme on behalf of the issuer).The issuer does not require cardholder authentication, but the payment card company might require it.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:2
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:consumerAuthenticationInformation. effectiveAuthenticationType
- SCMP API Field:effective_authentication_type
- Simple Order API Fields:
- ccAuthService_effectiveAuthenticationType
- payerAuthEnrollReply_effectiveAuthenticationType
- payerAuthValidateReply_effectiveAuthenticationType