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Street address for your business location.
This field is available on the
and Visa Platform Connect
processors.Specify the value in US English characters.
The address might appear on the cardholder’s statement.
This field might be ignored by your acquiring bank. Contact your
acquiring bank for more information about overriding your default merchant descriptor.
When you include this value in your request,
recommends that
you also include these fields in the request:- (merchant descriptor country)invoiceHeader_merchantDescriptorCountry
- (merchant descriptor state)invoiceHeader_merchantDescriptorState
- (merchant descriptor postal code)invoiceHeader_merchantDescriptorPostalCode
- Visa Platform Connect
- With Mastercard payment cards, the value for this field corresponds to this data in the TC 33 capture file:
- Record: CP12 TCR2
- Position: 35–82
- Field: Acceptor Street Address
- Data Type:String
- Data Length
- Barclays: 55
- Visa Platform Connect: 29If the value exceeds 29 characters, excess data is truncated before it is sent to Visa.
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:merchantInformation.merchantDescriptor.address1
- SCMP API Field:merchant_descriptor_street
- Simple Order API Field:invoiceHeader_merchantDescriptorStreet