On This Page
For card-present transactions, this field applies to the card’s
track 1 and 2 data. For PIN debit transactions, this field applies to track 2 data from the
debit card; the sentinels are required.
This field is available only for the
American Express Direct
, Banque de France et Tresor Public
, BNP Paribas France
, Chase Paymentech Solutions
, Credit Mutuel-CIC
, FDC Nashville Global
, FDMS Nashville
, JCN Gateway
, OmniPay Direct
, RBS WorldPay Atlanta
TSYS Acquiring Solutions
, Visa Platform Connect
and Worldpay VAP
processors.- Card-Present Transactions
- This value consists of one of the following:FDMS Nashville:
- Track 1 data
- Data for both tracks 1 and 2
- Other Processors:This value consists of one of the following:
- Track 1 data
- Track 2 data
- Data for both tracks 1 and 2
- Example:%B4111111111111111^SMITH/ JOHN ^2412101976110000868000000?;4111111111111111=24121019761186800000?
- PIN Debit Transactions
- In the following example, the card number is 4111111111111111, the expiration year is 16, and the expiration month is 12. The end sentinel (?) follows the final character of data recorded on the track.
- Example:;4111111111111111=16121019761186800000?
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:119
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:pointOfSaleInformation.trackData
- SCMP API Field:track_data
- Simple Order API Field:pos_trackData