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Flag that indicates whether a post-dated transaction has a
This field is available only for post-dated transactions with Mastercard in Brazil on
Visa Platform Connect
processor.The guaranteed amount is specified in an agreement between you and the issuer. The
customer tells you whether they would like the transaction to be post-dated. The
issuer provides the guarantee.
A post-dated transaction enables a customer to make a purchase using a debit Mastercard and to have the debit post to the customer's account at a later date.
Possible values:
- true: Post-dated transaction has a guarantee.
- false: Post-dated transaction does not have a guarantee.
The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:
- Record: CP07 TCR0
- Position: 55
- Field: Mastercard Post-Dated Transaction Details
- Type:String
- Length:5
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:No corresponding field.
- SCMP API Field:postdated_transaction_guarantee_indicator
- Simple Order API Field:postdatedTransaction_guaranteeIndicator