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Type of transaction.
Some payment card companies use this information when determining discount rates.
Possible Values for the Authorization Service:
Value | Description |
5 | Secure e-commerce transaction with a credential-on-file (COF) token. Include
ccAuthService_networkTokenCryptogram in the authorization
request. |
aesk | American Express SafeKey authentication was successful. |
aesk attempted | American Express SafeKey authentication was attempted but did not
succeed. |
dipb | Discover card type. |
install | Installment payment. For merchant-initiated transactions on Visa Platform Connect with
Mastercard in India or with an India-issued card, the install
value is used for the installment payment scenario and for unscheduled
credentials-on-file transactions. |
install_internet | Non-U.S. e-commerce (Internet) installment payment. This value is not
supported on all processors. |
internet | Default value for authorizations. E-commerce order placed from a website.
js | JCB J/Secure authentication was successful. |
js_attempted | JCB J/Secure authentication was attempted but did not succeed. |
moto | Mail order or telephone order.
moto_cc | Mail order or telephone order from a call center. This value is available
only on gateways in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. Contact your Customer
Support representative for details. |
pb | ProtectBuy authentication was successful. |
pb_attempted | ProtectBuy authentication was attempted but did not succeed. |
recurring | Recurring payment that is a U.S. transaction or non-U.S. mail order/telephone
order (MOTO) transaction. For merchant-initiated transactions on Visa Platform Connect with Mastercard in India or with an India-issued card, the
recurring value is used for the recurring payment
scenario. |
recurring_internet | Recurring payment that is a non-U.S. e-commerce (Internet)
transaction. |
retail | Card-present transaction. |
rpy | RuPay PaySecure authentication was
successful. |
spa |
spa_failure |
up3ds | For secure transactions for China UnionPay : Authentication was
successful for a China UnionPay domestic debit card. |
up3ds_attempted | For secure transactions for China UnionPay : Authentication was
attempted but did not succeed for a China UnionPay domestic debit card. |
up3ds_failure | For secure transactions for China UnionPay domestic debit cards:
Authentication failed for a China UnionPay domestic debit card. |
vbv |
vbv_attempted |
vbv_failure |
- Apple Pay
- For the merchant decryption method, one of these values is required:aesk,dipb,internet,spa,vbv.
- Card-Present
- For a card-present transaction, you must set this field toretail.
- Credit Service
- internet: E-commerce order placed through a website.
- moto: Mail order or telephone order.Not supported onCieloorUATP.OnBarclays, this value is not permitted for Maestro International cards.
- recurring: Recurring payment that is a U.S. transaction or non-U.S. MOTO transaction.OnBarclays, this value is not permitted for Maestro International cards.
- recurring_internet: Recurring payment that is a non-U.S. e-commerce (internet) transaction.
- China UnionPayProcessor
- internet(default): E-commerce order placed using a website.recurring: Recurring payment transaction.up3ds: Secure transaction indicating that authentication was successful for a China UnionPay card.up3ds_attempted: Secure transaction indicating that authentication was attempted but did not succeed for a China UnionPay card.up3ds_failure: Secure transaction indicating that authentication failed for a China UnionPay card.
- Payer Authentication
- When you request the payer authentication and authorization services separately, get the value for this field from thepayerAuthValidateReply_commerceIndicatorresponse field.
- Payouts
- For theBarclaysprocessor, the value for an account funding transaction (AFT) can be one of these indicators:
- internet—For a transaction that does not use 3-D Secure.
- vbvorvbv_attempted—For a transaction that uses 3-D Secure.
For theChase Paymentech Solutionsprocessor, the value for an account funding transaction (AFT) and original credit transaction (OCT) isinternet.For theFDC CompassandVisa Platform Connectprocessors, the value for an original credit transaction (OCT) isinternet. - PIN Debit
- For a PIN debit transaction, you must set this field toretail.
- Samsung Pay
- For the merchant decryption method, one of these values is required:aesk,internet,spa.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:
- Account funding transaction (AFT): 20
- Card-not-present transaction: 20
- Card-present transaction: 20
- Original credit transaction (OCT): 13
- PIN debit transaction: 13
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processingInformation.commerceIndicator
- SCMP API Field:e_commerce_indicator
- Simple Order API Fields:
- ccAuthService_commerceIndicator
- ccCreditService_commerceIndicator
- octService_commerceIndicator
- pinDebitCreditService_commerceIndicator
- pinDebitPurchaseService_commerceIndicator