On This Page
The first line of the street address of the submerchant associated with the aggregator.
- Chase Paymentech Solutions
- This field is available only for Payouts transactions. It is not supported for standard credit card transactions.
- FDC Compass
- This value must consist of uppercase letters.
- Getnet
- Allowable characters are letters, numbers, and spaces. Special characters are not allowed.
- Visa Platform Connect
- The value for this field does not map to the TC 33 capture file.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:
- 29American Express Direct:
- 38Chase Paymentech Solutions:
- 22Cielo:
- 38FDC Compass:
- 25FDC Nashville Global:
- 40—When length is greater than 40, characters to the right of the 40th character are discarded.Getnet:
- :29
- 48Rede:
- 38Software Express:
- Visa Platform Connect:29
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:aggregatorInformation.subMerchant.address1
- SCMP API Field:submerchant_street
- Simple Order API Field:invoiceHeader_submerchantStreet