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Type of payment solution that is being used for the transaction.
This unique ID distinguishes digital payment solution transactions and authorizations with
payment network tokens on the
platform for reporting
purposes.Possible values:
- 001: Apple Pay
- 004:CybersourceIn-App Solution
- 005: Masterpass
- 006: Android Pay
- 007: Chase Pay
- 008: Samsung Pay
- 012: Google Pay
- 014: Mastercard credential-on-file (COF) payment network token. Returned in authorizations that use a payment network token associated with aTMStoken.
- 015: Visa credential-on-file (COF) payment network token. Returned in authorizations that use a payment network token associated with a Token Management Service (TMS) token.
- 027: Click to Pay
- visacheckout:Visa Click to Pay.
- Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay, Visa payment network tokens, and Mastercard payment network tokens:
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:3
- Visa Click to Pay:
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:12
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processingInformation.paymentSolution
- SCMP API Field:payment_solution
- Simple Order API Field:paymentSolution