Grace period requested by the customer before the first installment payment is due.
This field is available only on the
and Visa Platform Connect
processors.- Prosa
- Length of grace period in months.Valid values:00through99.When the value for the installment plan type field is07, the installment grace period duration must be greater than00.
- Visa Platform Connect
- This field is available only for Mastercard installment payments in Brazil, Greece, and Peru.When you include this field in a request, you must also include the grace period duration type field.The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:
- Record: CP01 TCR5
- Position: 99-101
- Field: Mastercard Grace Period Details
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:2
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:installmentInformation.gracePeriodDuration
- SCMP API Field:installment_grace_period_duration
- Simple Order API Field:installment_gracePeriodDuration