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Amount that is guaranteed for a post-dated transaction.
This field is available only for post-dated transactions with Mastercard in Brazil on
Visa Platform Connect
processor.The guaranteed amount is specified in an agreement between you and the issuer.
A post-dated transaction enables a customer to make a purchase using a debit Mastercard and to have the debit post to the customer's account at a later date.
8 digits including 2 minor units, BRL currency only.The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:
- Record: CP07 TCR0
- Position: 5-12
- Field: Mastercard Post-Dated Transaction Details
- Type:String
- Length:8
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:No corresponding field.
- SCMP API Field:postdated_transaction_guarantee_amount
- Simple Order API Field:postdatedTransaction_guaranteeAmount