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Flag to indicate how you handle discount at the line item level.
This field is available only for the
Visa Platform Connect
processor.Possible values:
- 0: no line level discount provided
- 1: tax was calculated on the post-discount line item total
- 2: tax was calculated on the pre-discount line item total
Visa inserts a 0 (zero) value if an invalid value is included in this field.
This field relates to the value in the
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:1
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:orderInformation.lineItems[].taxAppliedAfterDiscount
- SCMP API Field:discount_management_indicator
- Simple Order API Field:item_#_discountManagementIndicator
Processor Field Names
This list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that
supports Level II or Level III data:
- Visa Platform Connect: discountManagementIndicator