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ccAuthService_ authType
Authorization type.
Possible values:
- AUTOCAPTURE: Automatic capture
- STANDARDCAPTURE: Standard capture
- VERBAL: Forced capture or verbal authorization
- Automatic Capture and Standard Capture
- To request an automatic capture if your account is not configured for automatic captures, set this field toAUTOCAPTUREand include it in a bundled authorization and capture request.To override an automatic capture and request a standard capture if your account is configured for automatic captures, set this field toSTANDARDCAPTUREand include it in a standard authorization or bundled authorization and capture request.
- Forced Capture
- A forced capture occurs when you process an authorization outside theCybersourcesystem but then capture the order throughCybersource. To indicate that you are performing a forced capture, set this field toverbaland include it in a bundled authorization and capture request along with other fields required for a forced capture.
- Verbal Authorization
- When you request an authorization throughCybersource, the issuing bank might ask you to call the payment processor to answer questions about the transaction. When this happens, the processor gives you a verbal authorization code for the transaction. To indicate that you are capturing a verbal authorization, set this field toverbaland include it in a capture request along with other fields required for a verbal authorization.
Automatic Capture and Standard Capture:
- Data Type: String
- Data Length: 15
Forced Capture and Verbal Authorization:
- Data Type: String
- Data Length: 11
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:processingInformation.authorizationOptions.authType
- SCMP API Field:auth_type
- Simple Order API Fields:
- ccAuthService_authType
- ccCaptureService_authType