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Sub-merchant’s business name.
- Chase Paymentech Solutions
- This field is available only for Payouts transactions. It is not supported for standard credit card transactions.
- FDC Compass
- This value must consist of uppercase characters.
- Visa Platform Connect
- The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:
- Record: CP01 TCRB
- Position: 109-146
- Field: American Express Seller Name
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:
- American Express Direct: Maximum length of the sub-merchant name depends on the length of the aggregator name. The combined length for both values must not exceed 37 characters.
- Chase Paymentech Solutions: Mastercard: 22, Visa: 25.
- FDC Compass: American Express: 19. Mastercard: maximum length of the sub-merchant name depends on the length of the aggregator name. The combined length for both values must not exceed 37 characters.
- FDC Nashville Global: American Express: 12. Mastercard: maximum length of the sub-merchant name depends on the length of the aggregator name: if aggregator name length is 1 through 3, maximum sub-merchant name length is 21; if aggregator name length is 4 through 7, maximum sub-merchant name length is 17; if aggregator name length is 8 through 12, maximum sub-merchant name length is 12.
- Visa Platform Connect: American Express: maximum length of the sub-merchant name depends on the length of the aggregator name. The combined length for both values must not exceed 36 characters. Not used with other card types.
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:aggregatorInformation.subMerchant.name
- SCMP API Field:submerchant_name
- Simple Order API Field:invoiceHeader_submerchantName