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Entity or service that provided the validation results returned in
field.Possible values:
- 02: Mastercard pre-validation service. The Mastercard authorization platform validated the cryptogram before the issuer received the authorization request.
- 03: Mastercard stand-in service. The Mastercard authorization platform validated the cryptogram because the issuer was not available.
- 50: Issuer.
- 90: Chip fall-back transaction downgrade process. The chip could not be read.
This field is available only for Mastercard near-field communication
(NFC) authorizations that use payment network tokens on the
Visa Platform Connect
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:2
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:pointOfSaleInformation.emv.chipValidationType
- SCMP API Field:emv_reply_chip_validation_type
- Simple Order API Field:emvReply_chipValidationType