
This response field indicates which directory server was used during the authentication process. This field is returned for the mada card scheme when fallback occurs.
This data is useful when the domestic scheme directory server is not present and authentication falls back to the global scheme directory server.
This field is implemented only for the Saudi Arabia region.
Possible values:
  • 1
    : Visa—Returned for mada VISA co-badged cards, when authentication falls back to the VISA directory server.
  • 2
    : Mastercard—Returned for mada Mastercard co-badged cards, when authentication falls back to the Mastercard directory server.
  • 3
    : Unknown—Returned for mada-only cards, when the mada directory server returns an error code.


  • Data Type:
  • Data Length:

Mapping Information

  • REST API Field:
  • SCMP API Field:
    • pa_enroll_pa_authentication_brand
    • pa_validate_pa_authentication_brand
  • Simple Order API Fields:
    • payerAuthEnrollReply_authenticationBrand
    • payerAuthValidateReply_authenticationBrand