Recipient’s date of birth.
This field is a pass-through, which means that it is verified that the value is eight
numeric characters but otherwise the value represented by that stringis not verified or modified in any way before it
is sent to the processor. If the field is not required for the transaction, it is not
forwarded to the processor.
- PayoutsusingFDC Compass
- Before sending this value to the processor,Cybersourcereformats it to theFDC Compassformat: MMDDyyyy.
- Data Type:String with numbers only
- Data Length:8
- Format:ForFDC Compass,yyyyMMDDForVisa Platform Connect, Tag 92 contains the account owner date of birth as ccyymmdd where:
- cc is the century:01-99
- yy is the year:00-99
- mm is the month:01-12
- dd is the day:01-31
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:recipientInformation.dateOfBirth
- SCMP API Field:recipient_date_of_birth
- Simple Order API Field:recipient_dateOfBirth