ecAVSReply_ matchBillToCompanyPhoneNumber

Indicates how closely the business phone number in the request matches the National Shared Database record.
Possible values:
  • Y
    : The home phone or work phone number in the request exactly matches a database record.
  • C
    : The home phone or work phone number in the request is a close match but does not exactly match by one digit, or two correct digits have been transposed.
  • N
    : The home phone or work phone number in the request does not match the database record. Two or more digits do not match.
  • U
    : The routing transit number is in the database, but a home or work phone number is not available in the database record.


  • Data Type:
  • Data Length:

Mapping Information

  • REST API Field:
  • SCMP API Field:
  • Simple Order API Field: