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Recipient’s last name.
This field is a pass-through, which means that the value is not verified or modified
in any way before it is sent to the processor. If the field is not required for the
transaction, it is not forwarded to the processor.
The value for this field corresponds to this data in the TC 33 capture file:
- Record: CP09 TCR4
- Position: 5-39
- Field: Account Owner Last Name
The TC 33 capture file contains information
about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to
. The processor creates the TC 33 capture file at the end of the day and sends it
to the merchant’s acquirer. The acquirer uses this information to facilitate
end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.This field is available only on these processors:
- Barclays
- FDC Nashville Global
- LloydsTSB Cardnet International
- First Data Merchant Solutions
- Streamline
- Visa Platform Connect
- Barclays
- For Mastercard Payment of Winnings, (indicated when you set thefield toccCreditService_refundReasonpow), the value in thefield is used by default as the last name of the Mastercard Payment of WinningsbillTo_lastNamestand-alone creditrecipient. You can use this field to override the default setting.
- For an Account Funding Transaction (AFT), this field must be alphanumeric and special characters must be in ASCII format. The value must the concatenated value of fieldsrecipient_firstname,recipient_middlename, andrecipient_lastname, and must not exceed 30 characters for Visa transactions and 35 characters for Mastercard.
- FDC Nashville Global
- Required with Mastercard for AFTs. Required with Visa for intra-European Economic Area (EEA), including UK and Gibraltar, and EU international transactions. Optional with Visa for domestic EU AFTs.
- The only special characters allowed in the value are',andspace.
- LloydsTSB Cardnet InternationalandFirst Data Merchant Solutions
- For a Visa AFT, this field must be alpha characters only. You must not exceed 30 characters for the concatenated value ofsender_firstname,sender_middlename, andsender_lastnamefields.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length
- For UK processors: 6
- For other processors: 35
- Barclays: See field description.
- First Data Merchant Solutions: See field description.
- LloydsTSB Cardnet International: See field description.
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:recipientInformation.lastName
- SCMP API Field:recipient_lastname
- Simple Order API Field:recipient_lastName