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Raw result of the authentication check.
This field can
contain one of these values:
- A: Proof of authentication attempt was generated.
- C: Card challenged. This status is a temporary status for an in-flight transaction and can result in other authentication statuses after transaction is completed.
- N: Customer failed or canceled authentication. Transaction denied.
- R: Authentication rejected (used for 3-D Secure 2.x transactions only).
- U: Authentication not completed regardless of the reason.
- Y: Customer was successfully authenticated.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:255
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:consumerAuthenticationInformation[].paresStatus
- SCMP API Fields:
- pares_status
- pa_enroll_pares_status
- pa_validate_pares_status
- Simple Order API Fields:
- ccAuthService_paresStatus
- payerAuthEnrollReply_paresStatus
- payerAuthValidateReply_paresStatus