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Returned when the Denied Parties List (DPL) check (first two
codes) or the export service (all others) would have declined the transaction.
Possible values:
- MATCH-DPC: DPL match.
- UNV-DPC: DPL is unavailable.
- MATCH-BCO: Billing country is restricted.
- MATCH-EMCO: Email country is restricted.
- MATCH-HCO: Host name country is restricted.
- MATCH-IPCO: IP country is restricted.
- MATCH-SCO: Shipping country is restricted.
- Data Type:Array of strings
- Data Length:2,147,483,647
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:watchlistScreeningInformation.infoCodes[]
- SCMP API Field:export_info
- Simple Order API Field:exportReply_infoCode