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Point-of-sale details for the transaction.
This field enables you to comply with American Express CAPN requirements.
generates this value, which consists of a series of codes that identify
terminal capability, security data, and specific conditions present at the time the transaction occurred.
To comply with the CAPN requirements, this value must be included in all subsequent follow-on requests,
such as captures and follow-on credits.When you perform authorizations, captures, and credits through
passes this value from the authorization service to the subsequent services for you.
However, when you perform authorizations through Cybersource
and perform subsequent services
through other financial institutions, you must ensure that requests for captures and credits include this value.This field is available only for transactions using American Express payment cards on
American Express Direct
, Elavon Americas
, and FDMS South
processors.- American Express DirectandFDMS South
- For forced captures, obtain the value for this field from the authorization response.
- For verbal authorizations, you cannot obtain a value for this field, soCybersourceuses a default value.Cybersourcegenerates the value based on these factors:
- Whether the transaction is an e-commerce transaction.
- Whether the transaction is a card-present transaction.
- Whether the payment data is swiped or keyed.
- Data Type:String
- Data Length:12
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:pointOfSaleInformation.amexCAPNData
- SCMP API Fields:
- auth_pos_data
- bill_pos_data
- Simple Order API Fields:
- ccAuthReply_posData
- ccCaptureService_posData