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Type of tax applied to the item.
This field is available only on the
, Chase Paymentech Solutions
, Elavon Americas
, FDC Compass
RBS WorldPay Atlanta
, and TSYS Acquiring Solutions
processors.- Barclays
- Possible values:
- S: Single standard rate
- AA: Reduced rate AA
- BB: Reduced rate BB
- CC: Reduced rate CC
- DD: Reduced rate DD
- E: Exempt
- Z: Zero rated
- Chase Paymentech Solutions,Elavon Americas,FDC Compass,RBS WorldPay Atlanta, andTSYS Acquiring Solutions
- Possible values:
- 0000: unknown tax type
- 0001: federal/national sales tax
- 0002: state sales tax
- 0003: city sales tax
- 0004: local sales tax
- 0005: municipal sales tax
- 0006: other tax
- 0010: value-added tax (VAT)
- 0011: goods and services tax
- 0012: provincial sales tax
- 0013: harmonized sales tax
- 0014: Quebec sales tax (QST)
- 0020: room tax
- 0021: occupancy tax
- 0022: energy tax
- blank: tax not supported on line item
- Data Type:String
- Data Length
- Barclays: 2
- Chase Paymentech Solutions: 4 numeric
- Elavon Americas: 4 numeric
- FDC Compass: 4 numeric
- RBS WorldPay Atlanta: 4 numeric
- TSYS Acquiring Solutions: 4 numeric
Mapping Information
- REST API Field:orderInformation.lineItems[].taxTypeCode
- SCMP API Field:tax_type_applied
- Simple Order API Field:item_#_taxTypeApplied
Processor Field Names
This list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor
that supports Level II or Level III data:
- Chase Paymentech Solutions: Tax Type Applied
- Elavon Americas: Tax Type Applied
- FDC Compass: Tax Type Applied
- RBS WorldPay Atlanta: Tax Type
- TSYS Acquiring Solutions: Tax Type Applied