Network Token Provisioning for Merchants
This workflow shows the process of network token provisioning for merchants.
Tokenizing PAN
- The customer enters their card data and sends the PAN to the merchant.
- The merchant sends the PAN toToken Management Service.
- Token Management Servicegenerates aTMStoken and synchronously provisions a network token from the card brand.
- Token Management Servicesends the merchant theTMStoken, expiration date, suffix, and payment account reference (PAR).
- The merchant stores theTMStoken ID and network token flag and sends the customer the masked card number.
Cryptogram Retrieval
- The merchant requests the cryptogram using aTMStoken fromToken Management Service.
- Token Management Servicelooks up the network token and sends the token metadata to the card brand.
- The card brand generates the cryptogram and sends it toToken Management Service.
- Token Management Servicesends the network token and cryptogram to the merchant.
- The merchant uses the network token along with the cryptogram to start the authorization.
PAR Retrieval
- The merchant retrieves theTMStoken and sends toToken Management Service.
- Token Management Servicelooks up the token and retrieves the PAR.
- Token Management Servicesends the PAR to the merchant.
- The merchant stores the PAR.