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Setting Up Device Data Collection with a
TMS Token
Running the Setup service identifies the customer's bank and prepares for collecting data
about the device that the customer is using to place the order. In this scenario, a TMS
token is used instead of the card.
Card-Specific Requirements
Some payment cards require specific information to be collected during a
- This field is required when the card type is Cartes Bancaires, JCB, UnionPay International, or Meeza.
Country-Specific Requirements
These fields are required for transactions in specific countries.
- For Meeza transactions, this value must be set toEGif Egypt was not set as the country in merchant configuration during merchant onboarding.
- This field is required for transactions in the US and Canada.
- This field is required when theorderInformation.billTo.countryfield value isUSorCA.
- For Meeza transactions, this value must be set toEGif Egypt was not set as the country in merchant configuration during merchant onboarding.
/risk/v1/authentication-setupsRequired Fields for Setting Up Data Collection When Using
a TMS Token
These fields are the minimum fields required when you request the Payer Authentication Setup
service. Other fields that can be used to collect additional information during a
transaction are listed in the optional fields section. Under certain circumstances,
a field that normally is optional might be required. The circumstance that makes an
optional field required is noted.
REST Example: Setting Up Device Data Collection When Using a TMS Token
{ "paymentInformation": { "card": { "expirationMonth": "05", "expirationYear": "2029" }, "customer": { "customerId": "1108590036500854" } } }
Response to a Successful Request
{ "clientReferenceInformation": { "code": "cybs_test" }, "consumerAuthenticationInformation": { "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.ey JqdGkiOiIxZmQ5ZWIyNi1jOTY1LTRkZmEtYTM5Yy1hZDExMGU2NjQ3ZmMiLCJpYXQi OjE3MjUzNDcwNDksImlzcyI6IjVkZDgzYmYwMGU0MjNkMTQ5OGRjYmFjYSIsImV4 cCI6MTcyNTM1MDY0OSwiT3JnVW5pdElkIjoiNjY0MWRiMGZmOTRmNzI3ZjU0Y2RlO TQ2IiwiUmVmZXJlbmNlSWQiOiIzZGM2ZDhmZS1lM2I1LTQyMTItYWY5MC1jNDcxYj czMTYwMjAifQ.90_yhusiQL9Yq10221zB04vZAKaiGnQ2ryvakeyuk1k", "deviceDataCollectionUrl": "https://centinelapistag.cardinalcommerce.com/V1/Cruise/Collect", "referenceId": "3dc6d8fe-e3b5-4212-af90-c471b7316020", "token": "AxizbwSTiTYf1D7m/jQkAG8BT34jOu4gAhLwyaSZejF9z2oA8AAA0gbV" }, "id": "7253470490136808404004", "status": "COMPLETED", "submitTimeUtc": "2024-09-03T07:04:09Z" }