Step 3: Payer Authentication Check Enrollment Service

Request the Check Enrollment service only after you receive the device data collection response. Checking enrollment before receiving the data device collection response stops the data collection process. Data collection can take up to 10 seconds. The merchant should set a timer that expires after 10 seconds of waiting for a response to the data collection so that the check enrollment service starts even when the device data collection response was not received.
With the device data collected, the issuer runs a risk assesment that results in one of these outcomes:
  • Frictionless success (low risk)
  • Challenge required (moderate risk)
  • Frictionless failure or decline (high risk)


Process Flow for Checking Enrollment in Payer Authentication
Process flow diagram for checking enrollment in Payer Authentication

Best Practices

Follow these practices for this step to achieve optimal performance and to minimize potential operating issues.
  • Do not start checking enrollment until the device data collection is complete.
  • Notifiy cardholders to contact their bank for instructions if a problem occurs. Information about additional action required of the cardholder should be displayed on the checkout page. Providing instructions to the customer avoids multiple attempts to resubmit the same card.