Use Case: Checking Enrollment in Payer Authentication Using Google Pay

Running the Check Enrollment service collects data about the device that the customer is using to place the order and verifies that the customer is enrolled in a payer authentication program. This use case demonstrates how the service works with a digital payment method like Google Pay.

Card-Specific Requirements

Some payment cards require information to be collected during a transaction.
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.
Required when the card type is Cartes Bancaires.
Required for American Express SafeKey (U.S.) when the product code is Airlinepurchase (AIR).
Required for Visa Secure travel.
Required only for American Express SafeKey (US).
Required only for American Express SafeKey (US.)
Required only for American Express SafeKey (US).
Required only for American Express SafeKey (US).
Required for American Express SafeKey (US).
Required when the card type is Cartes Bancaires, JCB, UPI, or Meeza.

Country-Specific Requirements

These fields are required for transactions in specific countries.
Required for transactions processed in France.
For Meeza transactions, this value must be set to Egypt if Egypt was not set as the country in merchant configuration during merchant onboarding.
For Meeza transactions, this value must be set to Egypt if Egypt was not set as the country in merchant configuration during merchant onboarding.
Required for transactions in US, Canada, and Mainland China.
Required for transactions in US, Canada, and Mainland China.
Required when the
field value is
Required when the
field value is
, or
Required when the
field value is

Processor-Specific Requirements

These fields are required by specific processors for transactions.
Required only for merchants in Saudi Arabia.



Required Fields for Checking Enrollment in Payer Authentication

These fields are the minimum fields required for verifying that a customer is enrolled in a payer authentation program. Under certain circumstances, a field that normally is optional might be required. The circumstance that makes an optional field required is noted.
For Meeza transactions, this value must be set to Egypt if Egypt was not set as the country in merchant configuration during merchant onboarding.
For Meeza transactions, this value must be set to Egypt if Egypt was not set as the country in merchant configuration during merchant onboarding.
Required when the
field is not used.
Required for US, Canada, and Mainland China.
Required for US, Canada, and Mainland China. For Mainland China, use the ISO 3166-2 format.
Required when
is included.
Required when
is included.

Optional Fields for Checking Enrollment in Payer Authentication

These fields are usually optional when verifying enrollment for a Payer Authentication transaction. In certain circumstances, the information provided by an optional field might be required before a transaction can proceed. Those optional fields that are sometimes required are also listed as required fields with the circumstance described.
The fields that are marked with a single asterisk (*) in front are browser-related fields. The information collected by these browser-related fields, while not required, is highly recommended for all EMV 3-D Secure transactions.
The fields that are marked with a double asterisk (**) at the end will be required as part of the EMV 3-D Secure 2.x minimum data requirements for Visa Secure. These conditionally optional fields will be removed from the optional fields list and moved to the required list on August 12, 2024.
Required (when available) unless market or regional mandate restricts sending this information.
Required (when available) unless market or regional mandate restricts sending this information.
Modifying this field could affect liability shifts down the payment chain. Unless you are very familiar with the various types of authentication, do not change the default settings before consulting with customer support.
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.
When the customer’s browser provides a value, you must include that value in your request.
Required (when available) unless market or regional mandate restricts sending this information.
Strongly recommended.
Strongly recommended.
When this field is empty, the current date is used.
riskInformation.buyerHistory.transaction CountDay
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy. Contact customer support for more information about this field.
riskInformation.buyerHistory.transaction CountYear
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy. Contact customer support for more information about this field.
riskInformation.buyerHistory.accountPur chases
Contact customer support for more information about this field.
riskInformation.buyerHistory.addCard Attempts
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy. Contact customer support for more information about this field.
riskInformation.buyerHistory.customer Account.createDate
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy. Contact customer support for more information about this field.
riskInformation.buyerHistory.customerAc count.lastChangeDate
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy. Contact customer support for more information about this field.
riskInformation.buyerHistory.customerAc count.passwordChangeDate
Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy. Contact customer support for more information about this field.
riskInformation.buyerHistory.customerAc count.shipAddressUsageDate
Contact customer support for more information about this field.
riskInformation.buyerHistory.paymentAc countDate
Contact customer support for more information about this field.
riskInformation.buyerHistory.priorSuspic iousActivity
Contact customer support for more information about this field.
riskInformation.buyerHistory.transaction CountDay
Contact customer support for more information about this field.
riskInformation.buyerHistory.transaction CountYear
Contact customer support for more information about this field.

REST Example: Checking Enrollment in Payer Authentication Using Google Pay

{ "orderInformation": { "amountDetails": { "currency": "USD", "totalAmount": "10.99" }, "billTo": { "address1": "1 Market St", "address2": "Address 2", "administrativeArea": "CA", "country": "US", "locality": "san francisco", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "phoneNumber": "4158880000", "email": "
", "postalCode": "94105" } }, "paymentInformation": { "fluidData" : { "value" : "eyJzaWduYXR1cmUiOiJNRVFDSUVhVVBmc1RIMERyMnZmeG8wVkFlZ3N2bHlSRzdENEFsYmRwa1pPdlNzZGtBaUFVO DE2aHpmMG5BMzJzQmx6anlUSURyZXBHNUY1eEtlRmNnSE9aK3RML2ZRXHUwMDNkXHUwMDNkIiwiaW50ZXJtZWRpYX RlU2lnbmluZ0tleSI6eyJzaWduZWRLZXkiOiJ7XCJrZXlWYWx1ZVwiOlwiTUZrd0V3WUhLb1pJemowQ0FRWUlLb1p JemowREFRY0RRZ0FFOFdKSHVMOFVuWW9WWDNHV3dGVkJpcnh6L3lJdGl0aW9neWhDeGpCRm5tS3pCcWs2K3lnVU5S UGF4THdaaWtILzBxV0s1QXhlc3BDNVhwN1NHNUN1T1FcXHUwMDNkXFx1MDAzZFwiLFwia2V5RXhwaXJhdGlvblwiOlwiM TYzMDUxNjYyODA0OVwifSIsInNpZ25hdHVyZXMiOlsiTUVVQ0lRRHlTQTV1T2t5UXQ5cFoyQlEzaXBmcGNWT0F5ZmIzM2oz UEZPQUw3K1o5S3dJZ2FjWWp2YWJpTEUyWHFkNU1xNGphNStEVldoREttVHpoMmk1RGlnbllFQndcdTAwM2QiXX0sInByb 3RvY29sVmVyc2lvbiI6IkVDdjIiLCJzaWduZWRNZXNzYWdlIjoie1wiZW5jcnlwdGVkTWVzc2FnZVwiOlwiWG5qOGxSSWhGMD VEWWdRK3hwNEE5YUhsVGE1U2ljdUJac2w1L2NNRkJlclBBY1RzaE4zRFl Ob1MvdEVkRkRYRzZJRXBpVlcxVnV6OUprejNW WGdpMzJrT21EVk9aakJNWTFvVHdTQnA5WG53ejlLYUtOekYvRFBSTy9jbStobW9iZ2dSdmxGSStOekN5U1VNWW1hbTJjZ FUyZGRZWmZHck9nZWNSc3FrdW1tNmlMa0xGQTFJcDFrNWFRV21EUElEdTh1SnNmbWs4bzMyMlpteVdMMVVWenE0W HFkNTZScXZoL1VFeEp3RC9HZXU5SW00M0pmblZqckVkeDE0Ykx1OUpmMHJrcU5ONG5sM0NVZEFoMVNhZnBzdkduTVR ML1Nmenk1ZGdDZlRDcHJDdW85UVZPaXVValBJNUdXRlBKSWVVVVU1cUZhcis3NXFBT2dvZ0tNRUZ3OFVxL1A0UjBDcXcz cFllNnc2enlaVzdDV1YxRzRMc3BITTNRaE83bFZNNmRjSWZQWW00ZitubWI3UzgwY29KTXR1QjkxVEhjZzJmVXhwM2FrWE hSdzNyN3BRZk9KWWFieUlURmtieDh0Yi9ieWl6VUZEVVU4S3EwTmVCVTVrQng2L21qUDg4bWxoWkE2ZERrNWJVc2o4SD BDSk9nWUtCbVgyR09vamRtTDd5YlBnTU5vNnhsYjRtUzVkaTJjZUpFakFybEZFa3NWNTlsS2lodk5pckRZc1BTU2lTRFVZNjB MUXVuTEErYjFMSnpCMkpYelFcIixcImVwaGVtZXJhbFB1YmxpY0tleVwiOlwiQk84bmtEbE0ycVlCQmpQd00wbDdUTFY2Uy tUbzZDTFl0eXArWGM2cXpQYklLTEgxVytySGh3NUlwU2lqb1lTb3VaclNuWU9LV21yRVAyYmtLMk4rTWFZXFx1MDAzZFwiL FwidGFnXCI6XCJuVU5xUVlxcy9YRVlDMmg0WFlibnVpajFLb1NzUFpacEpqVGI4TVVZcUZNXFx1MDAzZFwifSJ9" } }, "processingInformation": { "paymentSolution": "012" }, "buyerInformation": { "mobilePhone": "1245789632" }, "consumerAuthenticationInformation": { "transactionMode": "MOTO" } }
{ "consumerAuthenticationInformation": { "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiI5MjlhZDAwYy0zZmEyLTQ5ODgtODRjNC1hYTcxMGFl Y2I1OGEiLCJpYXQiOjE2Mjk4MjY5NjAsImlzcyI6IjVkZDgzYmYwMGU0MjNkMTQ5OGRjYmFjYSIsImV4cCI6MTYyOTgz MDU2MCwiT3JnVW5pdElkIjoiNWI5YzRiYjNmZjYyNmIxMzQ0ODEwYTAxIiwiUmVmZXJlbmNlSWQiOiI5NDkzZjJiZi0 4NmIwLTQ0ZmYtYmJjZS0wZjU1MjNlMWIzNGEifQ.FgVbwbW9_lwnlr4ovYR5VVPuVl6CklAVHHXS_5ODskA", "deviceDataCollectionUrl": "", "referenceId": "9493f2bf-86b0-44ff-bbce-0f5523e1b34a", "token": "AxizbwSTVW4Mj1fvsU27ABEBURxPZebOAE1IZNJMvRiuZhTA9AAA+QBf" }, "id": "6298269599786696003003", "status": "COMPLETED", "submitTimeUtc": "2022-08-24T17:42:40Z" }