On This Page
Using the Plugin
The plugin provides merchants a frictionless way to process
payments, prevent fraud, and generate
reports within the
Business Center
while making it easy for customers to place and cancel orders, and save or update stored credit or
debit card information.Order Management
This section describes the order management process that occurs after a customer places
an order.
The order management process is handled using these PrestaShop office interfaces:
- customers use this interface to place and cancel orders, and save or update stored credit or debit card information.
- merchants use this interface to configure the Plugin and manage orders, which includes these tasks:
- Capture an authorization (multiple partial captures are also supported).
- Reverse an authorization (full authorization is supported).
- Void a capture (partial void is supported).
- Refund a capture (standard and partial refunds are supported).
- Void a refund (partial void is supported).
Order Status
Order status is triggered and updated when transactions are processed. The plugin supports custom and default statuses for orders.
Custom order statuses:
- Awaiting payment
- Awaiting cancel
- Cancel rejected
- Cancelled, refund initiated
- Payment pending for review
- Partial payment accepted
- Partial payment cancelled
- Payment cancelled
- Partial refunded (before shipped)
- Partial refunded (after shipped)
- Partial refund cancelled (before shipped)
- Partial refund cancelled (after shipped)
- Payment error
- Refund cancel error
- Payment cancel error
- Refund error
- Refund cancelled
- Order cancelled by merchant
Default order statuses:
- Payment accepted
- Cancelled
- Shipped
- Delivered
- Refunded
Only the shipped and delivered statuses can be manually updated.
Order Management Workflows
This section describes the order of events that the merchant completes after a customer
submits an order.
After-Authorization Workflow
This workflow comprises the sequence of events that occur after a customer places a new
order using PrestaShop Front Office. The workflow shows how the order status is updated
when the authorized transaction is captured or reversed (full authorization reversal).
- The new order displays in PrestaShop Back Office, and the order status isAwaiting payment.
- The merchant chooses one of these options:
- Standard capture.
- Partial capture.
- Cancel products. For a full authorization reversal, the merchant must also cancel the order, which requires that they select all the quantities and all the items included in the order.A partial authorization reversal is not supported.
- When the merchant initiates a full authorization reversal, the authorization is cancelled and the order status is set toCancelled.
- When the merchant initiates a multiple partial capture, they choose how many quantities to capture and whether to include the shipping costs.After multiple partial captures are processed, the order status is set toPartial payment accepted.
- When the merchant initiates a full capture, the entire authorization amount is captured, and the order status is set toPayment accepted.
After-Capture Workflow
This workflow comprises the sequence of events that occur after an authorization is
captured. The workflow shows how the order status is updated when the captured
transaction is refunded or voided.
- The merchant chooses one of these options:
- Standard refund.
- Partial refund
- Void capture.
- If the merchant voids the capture, the captured transactions are voided.When all quantities of the transaction are captured, the entire order is voided and the order status is set toPayment cancelled.If only a few quantities are captured, only the captured quantities are voided, and the order status is set toPartial payment accepted.
- If the merchant initiates a standard refundbeforeupdating the order status toshipped, the order status is set toPartial refunded (before shipped)until the refunded amount becomes equal to the captured amount. When the refunded amount becomes equal to the captured amount, the order status is set toRefunded.
- When the merchant selects a refundafterupdating the order status toshipped, the order status is set toPartial refunded (after shipped)until the refunded amount becomes equal to the captured amount. After the refunded amount becomes equal to the captured amount, the order status is set toRefunded.To refund the amount of an order, merchants can either generate a voucher or a credit slip for the refund. Depending on the type of refund they select and whether they issue a voucher or a credit slip, one of these actions occurs:
- When the merchant choosesGenerate a voucherfor a partial refund, the sum of the items is not refunded. Instead, a voucher is generated that can be used for future transactions.
- When the merchant choosesGenerate a voucherand enters the amount in the shipping costs field for a partial refund, then a voucher equal to the sum of the items and the shipping amount is generated.
- When the merchant choosesGenerate a credit slipfor a standard refund, the sum of the items is refunded.
- When the merchant chooses bothGenerate a credit slipandRepay shipping costsfor a standard refund, the sum of the items and the shipping amount are both refunded.
- When the merchant chooses bothGenerate a voucherandRepay shipping costsfor a standard refund, a voucher equal to the sum of the items and shipping amount is generated.
- When the merchant chooses bothGenerate a voucherandGenerate credit slipfor a standard refund, a voucher is generated and a refund for the sum of the items is not generated.
After-Refund Workflow
This workflow comprises the sequence of events that occur when the merchant voids a
refund under specific conditions:
- When the refund is processedbeforethe order is shipped, the refund is cancelled and the order status is set toPartial refund cancelled (Before shipped).
- When the refund is processedafterthe order is shipped, the refund is cancelled and the order status is set toPartial refund cancelled (After shipped).
- When the voided refund amount is equal to the refund amount, the refund is cancelled and the order status is set toRefund cancelled.
Customer Tasks
Customers can use the My Account option on the merchant's PrestaShop website to manage
orders and their payment information. The following sections contain the steps to
complete these tasks.
Saving Credit/Debit Card Information
Saving card information enables customers to use that information for future
transactions. Using PrestaShop Front Office, customers can save their card information
during the checkout process, or they can add their card information to their registered
PrestaShop accounts using the My cards feature.
If a customer wants to save their card
information during the checkout process, they can select the
Save my card
for future payment
option when entering their credit/debit card
payment (as shown below) during checkout.The card information can also be saved on the My cards
page in PrestaShop:
- Open PrestaShop Front Office.
- Go to the My cards section of the page and clickADD CARD.If no current address is associated with the customer account, the customer is prompted to add an address. The customer can enter the required address information and clickSave.If there is already an address associated with the customer account, the customer can select and use the address or add a new address.After the address information is complete and selected, the customer can update the card expiration information, if needed, or delete the existing card from the account.
- To update the expiration information for the card (expiration month/year), the customer clicksUpdate, or clicksDeleteto remove the card from the account. The customer can also change the billing address for the card by clickingChange.Customers can add only the number of cards that the merchant specified in the account configuration. The updated card information is tokenized and securely saved. The customer can use the saved card information for future transactions without having to enter that card information during the checkout process.
Selecting a Default Credit/Debit Card
When a customer has multiple cards associated with their account, they can
designate the default card. By default, the first card added to the account is set as
the default card. In the My cards page, the default card is identified with an asterisk
(*) that appears to the right of the card number.
To change the default card, the
customer follows these steps:
- Open PrestaShop Front Office.
- Open the My cards page. The page displays the saved cards associated with the account.
- Choose a card to set as the default card, and chooseMore > SET AS DEFAULT. The card is set as the default card.The default card cannot be deleted unless all other saved cards from the My cards section are deleted.
Cancelling an Order
This task provides the steps a customer takes to cancel an
order. They cannot cancel an order if the order is in review with the
- Open PrestaShop Front Office.
- SelectMy Account > Order History. The Order history page displays the customer's orders.
- Select theDetailsicon for the order to cancel. The Order details page appears.
- Click theCancelicon to cancel the order.An Order cancellation confirmation notice appears.
- ClickYeson the Order cancellation confirmation notice to cancel the order.The order is cancelled and the order status is set to Cancelled.If the order was a sales transaction or was captured, the cancellation is sent to the merchant and the status is set toAwaiting cancel.After the customer cancels an order, the merchant can accept or reject the order cancellation (as instructed in Processing a Cancelled Order). If the merchant accepts the cancellation request, a refund for the order amount is initiated, and the order status is set toCancelled, refund initiated. If the merchant rejects the cancellation request, the order status is set toCancel rejected.
Merchant Tasks
Merchants use PrestaShop Back Office to manage orders. This section describes the steps
to complete these tasks.
Processing a Cancelled Order
When a customer cancels an order, a request is sent to the merchant, and the order
status is set to
Awaiting cancel
. Merchants can accept or reject an order that a
customer cancels. - Open PrestaShop Back Office and selectOrders > Ordersfrom the Dashboard.
- Locate and select the order the customer cancelled. The information for that order displays.
- Choose one of these options:
- ClickAccept cancellationto accept and process the cancelled order. A refund for the order amount is processed, and the order status is set toCancelled, refund initiated.
- ClickReject cancellationto reject the cancelled order. The order status is set toCancel rejected.
Processing a Merchandise Return
When a customer requests to return merchandise, the information appears on the
Merchandise Returns page in PrestaShop Back Office. Follow these steps to process the
- Open PrestaShop Back Office and selectCustomer Service > Merchandise Returns. The Merchandise Returns page displays and identifies the order or orders for which customers have requested a return.
- Select the order for which you want to process the return. The Edit > Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) menu displays.
- Choose one of these options from the Status drop-down menu and clickSave:
- Waiting for confirmation
- Waiting for package
- Package received
- Return completed
The status is updated for the order on the Merchandise Returns page. Next, you can proceed with selecting a return or refund option for the order. - SelectOrders > Ordersfrom the Dashboard.
- Select the order for which you want to process a return, and select one of these options:
- Return products
- Partial refund
Fraud Management
The plugin provides fraud management functionality
for merchants who also use the Cybersource
Business Center
. You can apply fraud management functionality to transactions in
these situations:- Fraud management is enabled in the plugin.
- You have a fraud management profile in theBusiness Center.
Fraud screening includes these features:
- Fraud Management Essentials (FME):used to enforce the rules created by the Cybersource Machine Learning System (MLS). Fraud management is used to define the merchant’s rules.
- Fraud Management Rules:
- When the decision status from theBusiness Centeris AUTHORIZED_PENDING_REVIEW or PENDING_REVIEW, the order is in review and the order status is set toPayment pending for review.
- When the decision status from theBusiness Centeris AUTHORIZED_RISK_DECLINED, the order is rejected and the order status is set toOrder cancelled by merchant.
The table below describes the possible decisions, outcomes, and timing that Decision
Manager uses when an order is triggered for review.
When the following transactions are in a Decision Manager review
state, certain settlement considerations apply:
- For authorizations:while accepting this transaction it is not recommended to settle it in theBusiness Center. When the transaction is settled in theBusiness Center, the follow-on services initiated from PrestaShop Back Office are impacted.
- For sales:
- The entire authorized amount should be settled in theBusiness Centerwhen accepting the transaction. When the settlement is not performed in theBusiness Center, the follow-on services initiated from PrestaShop Back Office fail.
- A follow-on void capture will not initiate from PrestaShop Back Office. While accepting review transactions, merchants should not select the settle option.
Decision | Execution Timing | Outcome of Decision |
Monitor | Before authorization | Authorization is successful and no action
from the Decision Manager is required. Use this decision to understand
the outcome of a rule. |
Accept | Before authorization | The order is processed normally and is
placed successfully. |
Review | Before authorization | The authorization is successful, and
follow-on services are put on hold until the merchant accepts or rejects
it. The order status is set to Payment pending for review .
Reject | Before authorization | The order is rejected and the authorization
is not processed. The merchant is not able to view the order in
PrestaShop Back Office. |
Monitor | After authorization | The authorization is successful and no
action from Decision Manager is required. Use this decision to
understand the outcome of a rule. |
Accept | After authorization | The order is processed normally and placed
successfully. |
Review | After authorization | The authorization is successful, and
follow-on services are put on hold until the merchant accepts or rejects
it. The order status will be set to Payment pending for
review . |
Reject | After authorization | The original authorization is successful
and then is automatically reversed and the order status is set to
Order cancelled by merchant . |
The plugin provides reporting functionality
for merchants who also use the
Business Center
. You can import these reports from the Business Center
into PrestaShop:- Transaction Request Report:includes details for individual transactions that are processed each day.
- Payment Batch Detail Report:includes transactions that are processed with the applications. This report is available shortly after captured transactions are batched.
- Conversion Detail Report:includes Case Management changes recorded in theBusiness Centerto ensure that updated orders are also included in PrestaShop. This report is generated at regular intervals and includes the results of the converted orders for each reviewer. This information provides an overview of all orders that were not immediately accepted.
The Plugin reporting
functionality works with a system scheduler to generate and update reports for
PrestaShop. There are some Cron Job modules available for PrestaShop, such as the
Cron Tab, that support reporting. Merchants can use any Cron Job module that
PrestaShop supports or any other online Cron service provider to generate reports.
The reports are processed and orders are updated in PrestaShop as described in this
- Orders with anAUTHORIZED_PENDING_REVIEWorAUTHORIZED_RISK_DECLINEDstatus are included in theps_cybersourceofficial_ordertable in the PrestaShop database.
- If a review is trigged for an order based on the profile rule in Decision Manager, aPayment pending for revieworder status displays for that order on the PrestaShop Back Office Orders page.
- The merchant uses theBusiness Centerto accept the order that is in review, and, if not already enabled, the merchant enables the reports using the Report Settings on the Plugin Configuration page.
- The scheduler runs the report at regular intervals according to the intervals the merchant configured. The order is accepted or rejected by the merchant in theBusiness Center, is retrieved, and the new status is updated asAUTHORIZEDorDECLINED. The updated order status displays in theps_cybersourceofficial_ordertable in the PrestaShop database.
- The original decision and the new decision are updated and displayed in theps_cybersourceofficial_conversion_detail_reporttable in the PrestaShop database.
- The order is updated asAwaiting paymentstatus for the authorization and displayed on the PrestaShop Back Office Orders page. The payment is accepted for the sale and any associated follow-on transactions (capture, void capture, refund, void refund, and full authorization reversal).