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Order Management Workflows
This section describes the order of events that the merchant completes after a customer
submits an order.
After-Authorization Workflow
This workflow comprises the sequence of events that occur after a customer places a new
order using PrestaShop Front Office. The workflow shows how the order status is updated
when the authorized transaction is captured or reversed (full authorization reversal).
- The new order displays in PrestaShop Back Office, and the order status isAwaiting payment.
- The merchant chooses one of these options:
- Standard capture.
- Partial capture.
- Cancel products. For a full authorization reversal, the merchant must also cancel the order, which requires that they select all the quantities and all the items included in the order.A partial authorization reversal is not supported.
- When the merchant initiates a full authorization reversal, the authorization is cancelled and the order status is set toCancelled.
- When the merchant initiates a multiple partial capture, they choose how many quantities to capture and whether to include the shipping costs.After multiple partial captures are processed, the order status is set toPartial payment accepted.
- When the merchant initiates a full capture, the entire authorization amount is captured, and the order status is set toPayment accepted.
After-Capture Workflow
This workflow comprises the sequence of events that occur after an authorization is
captured. The workflow shows how the order status is updated when the captured
transaction is refunded or voided.
- The merchant chooses one of these options:
- Standard refund.
- Partial refund
- Void capture.
- If the merchant voids the capture, the captured transactions are voided.When all quantities of the transaction are captured, the entire order is voided and the order status is set toPayment cancelled.If only a few quantities are captured, only the captured quantities are voided, and the order status is set toPartial payment accepted.
- If the merchant initiates a standard refundbeforeupdating the order status toshipped, the order status is set toPartial refunded (before shipped)until the refunded amount becomes equal to the captured amount. When the refunded amount becomes equal to the captured amount, the order status is set toRefunded.
- When the merchant selects a refundafterupdating the order status toshipped, the order status is set toPartial refunded (after shipped)until the refunded amount becomes equal to the captured amount. After the refunded amount becomes equal to the captured amount, the order status is set toRefunded.To refund the amount of an order, merchants can either generate a voucher or a credit slip for the refund. Depending on the type of refund they select and whether they issue a voucher or a credit slip, one of these actions occurs:
- When the merchant choosesGenerate a voucherfor a partial refund, the sum of the items is not refunded. Instead, a voucher is generated that can be used for future transactions.
- When the merchant choosesGenerate a voucherand enters the amount in the shipping costs field for a partial refund, then a voucher equal to the sum of the items and the shipping amount is generated.
- When the merchant choosesGenerate a credit slipfor a standard refund, the sum of the items is refunded.
- When the merchant chooses bothGenerate a credit slipandRepay shipping costsfor a standard refund, the sum of the items and the shipping amount are both refunded.
- When the merchant chooses bothGenerate a voucherandRepay shipping costsfor a standard refund, a voucher equal to the sum of the items and shipping amount is generated.
- When the merchant chooses bothGenerate a voucherandGenerate credit slipfor a standard refund, a voucher is generated and a refund for the sum of the items is not generated.
After-Refund Workflow
This workflow comprises the sequence of events that occur when the merchant voids a
refund under specific conditions:
- When the refund is processedbeforethe order is shipped, the refund is cancelled and the order status is set toPartial refund cancelled (Before shipped).
- When the refund is processedafterthe order is shipped, the refund is cancelled and the order status is set toPartial refund cancelled (After shipped).
- When the voided refund amount is equal to the refund amount, the refund is cancelled and the order status is set toRefund cancelled.