
This section describes how to set up the plugin. You complete most of the Plugin configuration using PrestaShop Back Office.
When merchants support digital payment processing using Apple Pay or Google Pay, they must complete some setup using the Apple Pay or Google Pay Developer websites.

Configuring Plugin Settings

Use PrestaShop Back Office to configure these settings:
  • General settings
  • Payment method settings
  • Fraud management settings
  • Report settings
  • Latin American country settings, if they apply
For details about these settings, see Configuration Settings.
To configure these settings, follow these steps:
  1. Open PrestaShop Back Office and select
    Modules > Module Manager
    from the Dashboard. The Module Manager page opens.
  2. Find the Plugin in the Payment section on the Module Manager page, or enter Cybersource Official in the Search field and click
  3. Click
    . The Configure Cybersource Official page opens.
  4. Under each tab, enter your configuration information, and click

Enabling Installment Payments

Use PrestaShop Back Office to enable installment payments, which are applicable for payments in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru.
  1. Open PrestaShop Back Office and select
    Modules > Module Manager
    from the Dashboard. The Module Manager page opens.
  2. Find the Plugin in the Payment section on the Module Manager page, or enter Cybersource Official in the Search field and click
  3. Click
    . The Configure Cybersource Official page opens.
  4. Select the
  5. From the
    drop-down menu, choose the country for which you want to configure the installment payments.
  6. Choose the relevant options from each drop-down menu for these settings and click
    • Processor
    • Installments (In Months)
    • Choose Card Types
    When a specific card type is selected for a processor in a certain country, it cannot be chosen for any other processor within that country.

Enabling Grace Period Payments

Use PrestaShop Back Office to enable grace period payments, which are applicable only for payments in Mexico.
  1. Open PrestaShop Back Office and select
    Modules > Module Manager
    from the Dashboard. The Module Manager page opens.
  2. Find the Plugin in the Payment section on the Module Manager page, or enter Cybersource Official in the Search field and click
  3. Click
    . The Configure Cybersource Official page opens.
  4. Select the
  5. From the
    drop-down menu, choose
    You must select Mexico as the country to get access to the Grace Period setting because this setting is only applicable in Mexico.
  6. To enable grace period payments, set
    Grace Period
    , and click

Enforcing Strong Customer Authentication

Select the Enforce Strong Customer Authentication setting to prompt a 3-D Secure challenge when a customer saves their credit card information. The customer is 3-D Secure challenged when a transaction is declined as reported by response code 478 (Strong Customer Authentication required). After the transaction is declined, another request is sent for the same order.
The Enforce Strong Customer Authentication setting is available only when the Payer Authentication/3-D Secure (general Plugin setting) and Tokenization (fraud management Plugin setting) are enabled. See Configuration Settings for information about these settings and Configuring Plugin Settings for information about how to set them.
Follow these steps to enable Enforce Strong Customer Authentication:
  1. Open PrestaShop Back Office and select
    Modules > Module Manager
    from the Dashboard. The Module Manager page opens.
  2. Find the Plugin in the Payment section on the Module Manager page, or enter Cybersource Official in the Search field and click
  3. Click
    . The Configure Cybersource Official page opens.
  4. Select the
  5. Set the Enforce Strong Customer Authentication setting to
  6. Click

Enabling Apple Pay

This section describes the requirements for configuring and using the plugin to process Apple Pay transactions through PrestaShop.

Account and Website Requirements

Before you configure the Plugin to process Apple Pay transactions, ensure that these requirements are met:

Enabling Google Pay

This section describes the requirements for using and configuration steps to enable the plugin to process Google Pay transactions through PrestaShop.

Account Requirements

Before you configure the Plugin to process Google Pay transactions, ensure that you have a Google Pay Developer account.

Scheduling Report Generation

Schedulers on a Linux, Mac, or Windows system are used to set up how often a specified report is generated. Schedulers for Linux and Mac systems are set up using a Cron Tab. The scheduler for a Windows system is set up using the Windows Task Scheduler app.
When setting up a schedule for generating a specific report, use this format:
  • Format:
    shop domain name
  • Example:

Cron Tab Syntax for Mac and Linux Systems

When setting up the reporting schedule on a Linux or Mac system, you use
commands that determine how often and when the report is generated.
The syntax is:
* * * * * [command]
The asterisk (*) represents each of these timing parameters:
  • Minute (0-59)
  • Hour (0-23)
  • Day of Month (1-31)
  • Month (1-12)
  • Day of week (0-6), (0-Sunday)
For example, these timing parameters indicate how often a specified report is generated:
  • * * * * * [command]
    : Runs every minute of every day of every week of every month.
  • 0 * * * * [command]
    : Runs every hour of every day of every week of every month.
  • 30 2 * * * [command]
    : Runs at 2:30 a.m. every day of every week of every month.
  • 0 0 2 * * [command]
    : Runs once a month every month on the second day of the month.
  • 0 * * * 1 [command]
    : Runs every Monday at every hour.
  • 0,10,20 * * * * [command]
    : Runs on 0, 10, 20 minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month.
  • 0 5-10 * * * *[command]
    : Runs every hour between 5 and 10 a.m.
  • @reboot [command]
    : Runs every time after the server reboots.
  • */5 * * * * [command]
    : Runs every 5 minutes of every day.