Enabling Installment Payments

Use PrestaShop Back Office to enable installment payments, which are applicable for payments in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru.
  1. Open PrestaShop Back Office and select
    Modules > Module Manager
    from the Dashboard. The Module Manager page opens.
  2. Find the Plugin in the Payment section on the Module Manager page, or enter Cybersource Official in the Search field and click
  3. Click
    . The Configure Cybersource Official page opens.
  4. Select the
  5. From the
    drop-down menu, choose the country for which you want to configure the installment payments.
  6. Choose the relevant options from each drop-down menu for these settings and click
    • Processor
    • Installments (In Months)
    • Choose Card Types
    When a specific card type is selected for a processor in a certain country, it cannot be chosen for any other processor within that country.