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Setting Up Apple Pay
This section describes the requirements for setting up Apple Pay to process Apple Pay transactions through PrestaShop.
- Follow the instructions for enabling Apple Pay on theSetting Up Apple Paypage on the Apple Developer website. Before proceeding, ensure that you have completed these steps:
- Create a Merchant ID
- Create a Payment Processing Certificate
- Validate the merchant domain
- Create a Merchant Identity Certificate
- Download the Merchant Identity Certificate.
- Convert the downloaded certificate to a PEM format:openssl x509 -inform der -in merchant_id.cer -out merchant_id.pemAfter the certificate is converted, it displays in the Keychain Access menu.
- Double-click the certificate on the Keychain Access menu. The certificate is installed and the associated private key displays in the Keychain Access menu.
- Right-click the private key, select theExportoption, and export the key asmerchant_id.p12.
- Convert the exported private key to a KEY format:openssl pkcs12 -in merchant_id.p12 -out merchant_id.key -nodes
- Upload the converted key (merchant_id.key) and certificate (merchant_id.pem) files to your website server.
- Open PrestaShop Back Office and selectModules > Module Managerfrom the Dashboard. The Module Manager page opens.
- Find the Plugin in the Payment section on the Module Manager page, or enter Cybersource Official in the Search field and clickEnter.
- ClickConfigure. The Configure Cybersource Official page opens.
- Select thePAYMENT SETTINGStab and enter the complete path to the certificate and key in the Apple Pay section.