
If you have not done so already, configure these settings using PrestaShop Back Office. See Configuring Plugin Settings for information about how to access these settings:
  • General Settings:
    merchant ID, merchant key ID, and/or merchant secret key
  • Payment Settings:
    applicable payment methods
After configuring the Plugin, complete this task to test the configuration using PrestaShop Front Office to place an order and PrestaShop Back Office to manage the order.
  1. Open PrestaShop Front Office to place an order.
  2. Enter any required personal information and select the payment method that you want to use to place the order.
  3. Enter the card information you want to use to place the order and click
    . If the order is successful, an order confirmation message displays.
  4. Open PrestaShop Back Office to manage the order.
  5. Select
    Orders > Orders
    from the Dashboard. The Orders page displays and lists all active orders.
  6. Select and open the order you processed in Step 1. The order status for the order should display
    Awaiting payment
  7. Click
    Standard Capture
    icon to capture the authorized amount, and click
    to capture the entire order. The order status changes to
    Payment accepted
  8. Click
    Standard Refund
    to refund the full captured amount. The order status changes to
  9. Click
    Void Refund
    to void the refunded amount. The order status changes to
    Refund cancelled
    For more information about testing, including test cards, see