Configuring WeChat Pay

WeChat Pay is a digital wallet that enable customers to make mobile payments and online transactions. Customers who have provided bank account information can use the app to pay bills, order goods and services, transfer money to other users, and pay in stores if the stores have a WeChat payment option.
Follow these steps to configure WeChat Pay:
  1. Click
    WeChat Pay
    to expand the section.
  2. From the
    drop-down list, choose
    to activate or deactivate WeChat Pay.
  3. In the
    Sort Order
    box, change the default module sort order.
  4. In
    box, enter the text to display to customers on the checkout page.
  5. In the
    Use Default Merchant ID
    field, leave
    selected to use the Merchant ID from the Web Service Configuration section under General Settings. Choose
    to enter another merchant ID and transaction key in the next two fields.
  6. If you choose not to use the default merchant ID, enter your Cybersource merchant ID in the
    Merchant ID
  7. In the
    Transaction Key
    field, enter the transaction key for the merchant ID you entered.
  8. In the
    QR Code Expiration Time
    field, enter an expiration time in seconds for the WeChat pay QR code.
  9. In the
    Check Status Frequency
    field, enter an interval in seconds between transaction status checks.
  10. In the
    Max Status Requests
    field, enter a limit for transaction status checks.
  11. In the
    Payment From Applicable Countries
    field, leave the
    Use system value
    box checked to accept payments from the default countries selected, or uncheck the
    Use system value
    box to specify countries in the next field.
  12. To specify which countries from which to accept WeChat Pay, choose the countries in the
    Payment From Specific Countries
  13. In the
    Success/Failure Message Delay
    field, enter a delay in seconds between the transaction check and redirection to the result page.
  14. In the
    Check Status query Simulated Response
    field, choose a simulated Status Check response code for testing.
  15. Click
    Save Config