On This Page
Mastercard Bill Payment Processing
This section describes how to request an authorization for a Mastercard Bill Payment.
Field Specific to this Use Case
Include this field with a standard authorization request when processing a Mastercard
Bill Payment:
- billPaymentType
- Set the value to indicate the type of bill that the cardholder is paying.
Sign up with Mastercard to participate in their bill payment program.
Set the
field to
.Send the request to
.Related Information
- See Mastercard Bill Payments for a description of and requirements for processing Mastercard Bill Payments.
Required Fields for Authorizing a Mastercard Bill Payment
Use these required fields to authorize a Mastercard bill payment.
When relaxed requirements for address data and the expiration date are being used, not all fields
in this list are required. It is your responsibility to determine whether your
account is enabled to use this feature and which fields are required. For details
about relaxed requirements, see Relaxed Requirements for Address Data and Expiration Date in Payment Transactions.
- billPaymentType
- Set the value to indicate the type of bill that the cardholder is paying.
- billTo_city
- billTo_country
- billTo_email
- billTo_firstName
- billTo_lastName
- billTo_postalCode
- billTo_state
- billTo_street1
- card_accountNumber
- card_expirationMonth
- card_expirationYear
- ccAuthService_run
- Set the value totrue.
- merchantID
- merchantReferenceCode
- purchaseTotals_currency
- purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount
Related Information
Simple Order Example: Authorizing a Mastercard Bill Payment
ccAuthService_run=true billTo_city=Sao Paulo billTo_country=BR billTo_email=john.doe@company.com billTo_firstname=John billTo_lastname=Smith billTo_postalCode=04543907 billTo_state=SP billTo_street1=Av Pres Juscelino Kubistchek 1909 card_accountNumber=555555555555xxxx card_expirationMonth=12 card_expirationYear=2031 merchant_id=demo_merchant merchant_referenceCode=TC42703-1 purchaseTotals_currency=BRL purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount=100 billPaymentType=001
Response to a Successful Request
additional_processor_response=e1cdcafc-cdbb-4ef7-8788-a1234e844805 requestID=6629977932421985593067 decision=ACCEPT reasonCode=100 merchantReferenceCode=TC42703-1 purchaseTotals_currency=brl ccAuthService_reconciliationID=57953165A7YFPS77 ccAuthReply_amount=100.00 ccAuthReply_avsCode=5 ccAuthReply_authorizationCode=570110 ccAuthReply_processorResponse=1 ccAuthReply_authorizedDateTime=2022-09-12T154953Z ccAuthReply_paymentNetworkTransactionID=123456789619999